Working with obstacles is life’s journey. The warrior is always coming up against dragons. Of course the warrior gets scared, particularly before the battle. It’s frightening. But with a shaky tender heart the warrior realizes that he or she is just about to step into the unknown, and then goes forth to meet the dragon….
Stuffed Bell Peppers
I don’t like being late. In fact, I hate it. I start to sweat, my fists tighten and my teeth clench at the thought of being late to something I have committed to. It stresses me out to say the least and gives me the biggest dose of anxiety. Now despite this fact, for some reason, there are…
Easy Homemade Chipwiches
Yesterday I spent my morning at a local coffee shop, reading and sipping my favorite caffeinated beverage. Okay, that was a long, round-about way to describe coffee. So there I was, drinking coffee when an older man approached me where I was sitting. As he stood above me he explained to me that he had…
Simple Minds, Simple Sprinkles
Being a woman, I have the natural talent of over complicating things. You’re welcome, men. {Hey, we put up with your smelliness so consider us balanced and even}. I don’t know what it is about me but when it comes to choices, the path of simplicity never seems as thrilling as making a big mess out of my options. The irony occurs…
Salted Caramel Mini Donuts
What a difference a week makes. I know I have been rather silent on my end and if you have been stopping by as of late, you will know that I have been alluding to experiencing some life changes. I have held back on the exact details; I will one day soon expand more on that but…
Peanut Butter Cup Healing
Bodhichitta is a Sanskrit word that means “noble or awakened heart.” Just as butter is inherent in milk and oil is inherent in a sesame seed, the soft spot of bodhichitta is inherent in you and me. It is equated, in part, with our ability to love, no matter how committed we are to unkindness, selfishness,…
Vegan Snickers Mini Donuts
Sometimes I wonder if it’s not necessarily about allergies/intolerances to certain foods, rather having the incapability to properly express my emotions at times that causes such stress on my digestive system. It seems as if it’s through the times that I have difficulty fully expressing how I feel that my body rebels against me. I don’t think I will…