Call it your early Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa gift from me to you because I’ve decided to extend this entire week to more: (((We’re gonna need this especially after last night’s Real Housewives New Jersey Reunion!))) I know. I know. Hold your applause as I take my bow. *”You’re welcome” and “I’m sorry”* all rolled into one. Today’s…
Vegan Butterfingers
Do you smell that? That’s the smell of the end of the breakfast posts era and the continuation of: Saturdays! Let’s not even bother with formalities and just get right into the good stuff, shall we? It’s why you came back anyway, just say it. You don’t care about me, you just care about the candy….
Skull-Shaped Waffles
So on my way to doing this morning’s post for I received this ransom note in my mailbox: **Who still sends out ransom notes these days via mail, anyway??** Attached to the note was a picture of a severed head. I know, rather morbid right? I mean, what kind of person chops heads off for…
Jack-O-Lantern Pancakes
One of THE highlights in my childhood was eating pancakes. Not just any kind of pancake, mind you, but my name spelled out with pancake batter. Nothing tickled me more (unless you were touching my feet, really) than seeing C-A-R-A as my breakfast! (Thanks again, Perry!) Because pancakes delight me so, what better way to…
Barfing Pumpkin Oatmeal
Watch with enjoyment while your guests and loved ones nearly toss their own cookies as they eat their Barfing Pumpkin Oatmeal breakfast this Halloween. Oh, hello there. I almost didn’t see you! I’m so glad you came back for more: I was just talking to my friend Jack. We were debating the current debacle in our economy and what…
Coffin French Toasts
Put that robe on, scoop out those eye boogers, and grab your favorite cup of coffee as I introduce this week’s theme: Once I realized that breakfast meant more than pouring a box of sugary cereal into a bowl or a McDonald’s drive-thru meal, (((Hey, no one said I had good eating habits when I was younger…lay off!)))…
Gluten-free Vegan Twix Bars
Welcome to Saturdays! Every weekend during this month will be dedicated to bringing you ideas on making your very own: Gluten-free and Vegan Halloween Candy. Are you getting into the Halloween spirit yet, Or shall I shove it down your throat for the remainder days of the month? Either way, me thinks you wouldn’t mind…