Spring has been happening here in Indiana this week and my brother, sister and I have been amazed at how quickly everything has turned green from just several days ago. It’s quite the shock for us Californians. It’s also perfect timing too for such beautiful weather because my mom always hated the winter time. She…
St. Patrick’s Day French Bread Pizzas
Today there are no words, just St. Patrick’s Day French Bread Pizzas to be made and eaten. My heart is rather heavy today, as is all of ours, here in this hospital room. We are going on day 7 now of hospice care and just when you think it can’t get any worse, you wake…
Mint Chip Brownies
The experience of the past 3 weeks has brought new perspective into my life. No one prepares you for this time because, well, it’s impossible to prepare for. I cannot tell you how many stories I have read or heard of from those who have lost their parents and I have felt gut-wrenching pain of…
Leprechaun Rice Cakes
I started talking about what was going on with my mother’s health and how she suffered a brain aneurysm on Valentine’s Day this last month here in this post. You can read a little more about my thoughts in this post too. I just wanted to say the biggest thank you to everyone who posted on…
Surprise Leprechaun Hats
During the ICU’s Quiet Time hours yesterday, I figured a good way to utilize my time was to stroll through Target. My mom would have wanted that. Trust me, shopping is her cardio. And since I feel a bit helpless sitting in her room most days (unless I am playing her favorite gospel music and…
Rainbow Fruit Salad Bagels
You might be wondering why things have been a bit silent over here since Valentine’s Day. I went a bit radio silent as my world was, what felt like, completely tossed upside down when I received the phone call that my mom suffered a severe brain aneurysm. I have been by her side for almost…
Valentines Recipe Ideas
I’ve been working long hours this past month to create for you and your family some of the most creative Valentines recipe ideas I could think of. The consensus? I like to think my hard work has paid off. From heart shaped foods from bagels to pot pies, to the cutest edible animal shapes out…