Happy Ash Wednesday, everybody! Let us celebrate with a homemade batch of Gluten-free Vegan Thin Mints, shall? For baby Jesus, of course. Today is one of the most meaningful days of the year for me. The introductory day that ushers us into the Lenten season. Oh Lent. I heart Lent. I’m not really sure when and why…
Gluten Free Vegan Tagalongs
Take a look at the world and see the unhappiness around you and in you. Do you know what causes this unhappiness? (I bet it isn’t Gluten Free Vegan Tagalongs). You will probably say loneliness or oppression or war or hatred. And you will be wrong. There is only one cause of unhappiness: the false…
Homemade Gluten Free Samoas
Homemade Gluten Free Samoas for the Win! As you know, I am a sucker for my siblings’ children. I love all my little babies {even the little sprout rapidly growing in my sister’s belly who will be named after ME, by the way–how special is that?!! So what does that have to do with Gluten-Free Vegan Samoa cookies?…
Vegan Hershey Kisses
Remember this post when I made you guess what was peculiar about the picture; if you could find the item that didn’t belong in a gluten-free/vegan diet? Some of you guessed correctly: I ended up making homemade Vegan Hershey Kisses. What, did you forget about it already? I hope not because today is the day…
DIY Sugar Cubes
In loving memory of my mother, who passed away on 3/15/16, one month after a ruptured brain aneurysm on Valentine’s Day, 5 years after this DIY Sugar Cubes post was written. My favorite part about this is reading my mom’s comment (aka: “Your Biggest Fan”). I miss her everyday and dedicate this recipe to her (even though it kind of…
Homemade Circus Animal Cookies
Homemade Circus Animal Cookies. You bring me back to my childhood, you. One memory I hold dear to my heart occurred 3 years ago when I was at a birthday party. My 6-year-old niece sat at the table, looking at all of the kids bite into their pieces of pizza while she sat there with an…
Gluten free Vegan Oreos
Friends, it’s time to get serious. We need to have “the” talk. No, not that talk. The other talk. You know, the one where we sit down and discuss why on earth 2 chocolate cookies sandwiched between a thick cream tastes soooooo insanely good? And why did it take me so long to recreate…