Ding Dong. Trick-or-Treat! Give me Raw Caramel Apples to eat… Thank you to those who have been asking about my whereabouts in the past 3 days. You know me so well to know that something must have been up for me to not be around during MoFo/and my HAL*RAW*WEEN theme. The truth is that…
Egg Free
{Almost} Raw Snickers Bars
The moment you got home right after trick-or-treating was always the highlight of the night, wasn’t it? For me, there was no time wasted when I would rush into the living room floor, dump out the sugary loot, and then proceed to divide the candy into 2 piles: the good stash vs. the crappy stuff (which,…
Raw Peppermint Patties
Growing up, my mother was a total Halloween pusher. This probably explains my undeniable love for the holiday. Must be hereditary–it’s in my blood… It was never good enough that I wanted to be a Fairy Princess or a Ballerina. Oh no, in preparation for my costume, my mother would always say to me, “Why don’t…
Gluten-free Strawberry Shortcake
Gluten-Free Strawberry Shortcake The essence of samsara is this tendency that we have to seek pleasure and avoid pain, to seek security and avoid groundlessness, to seek comfort and avoid discomfort. The basic teaching is that that is how we keep ourselves miserable, unhappy, and stuck in a very small, limited view of reality. That…
The Best Gluten-Free Vegan Waffle
My roommate’s eyes widened as the brilliant idea came to her mind as we stood in the kitchen. “I have THE best idea! You know what we should do Cara???” Okay pause right here; allow me to first interject a little backgroud knowledge. I am learning that anytime my roommate uses the word “we”…
Bloody Mary Popsicles
Summertime from the adult’s perspective can be a bit bleak. As the sun shines through the window, the weather beckons us to come outside and play. Unfortunately we are stuck inside an air-conditioned office, sitting at our desks being “responsible,” longing for the days when we were carefree kids with two months of sleeping in, summer…
Vegan Ice Cream Snickers Bars
I have been like a shaken up snowglobe, waiting for the snow pieces to settle back down to the bottom. Hence my disappearance as of late. I have been hoping that the less my life moves, the sooner everything settles. And hopefully the sweeter it will become, just like these vegan Ice Cream Snickers Bars….