I try my best in life to maintain a balanced mentality towards food by avoiding using descriptive words like “off-limits”, “guilty”, or even allowing myself to feel shame after eating. (Note that I said try: I am not perfect). Not that I was always this way. I used to be a slave to food. I would…
Egg Free
Cauliflower FauxMeal
I’m officially off my veggie rocker. Or really it’s cauliflower. I am cauliflower obsessed! I’m obsessed with finding creative and inventive ways to use cauliflower and I cannot be stopped. First it was Spanish Cauliflower Rice. Then as a Parmesan. THEN as Beer-Battered Tacos. Now as Cream of Wheat?! A Cauliflower FauxMeal: this is complete insanity. No,…
Beer-Battered Cauliflower Tacos
There are 3 things you need in life: 1). Something to do, 2). Something to love, and 3). Something to look forward to. And beer. The silent 4th. Oh, and cauliflower that has been dipped in a beer batter and eaten like tacos. When you are not happy, you are not doing one of those things….
Cracked Easter Egg Cupcakes
Remember those times as a kid when the year seemed to take forever to get through? Especially once Christmas passed, that period of waiting until Spring Break (which was of course the marking point that summer was just around the corner) seemed to drag on and on… No one tells you that as you get…
Maple Frosted Donuts
If you follow me on Facebook, you will remember that these Maple Frosted Donuts were my lunch a couple of weeks ago. Yep, you heard me. I had donuts for lunch. Don’t judge. I’m rather proud of it too. If you could see me right now you would see that I am actually glowing. I’m…
Homemade Gluten Free PopTarts
Let’s be real, my job can be super stressful at times. I catch myself thinking that if I didn’t have to do such-and-such, things would be a whole lot easier but as I started to follow that rationale, I found that I do a lot of that outside of work and in my own personal life. “I’d be a lot…
Yeast Free Cinnamon Rolls
The Universe will always figure out ways to maneuver lessons to be learned into your life. If you are open to it, you will find that those lessons can be found in some of the most daily tasks. Maybe even in these yeast free cinnamon rolls…. For me currently, it is coming through the way of my…