A home-cooked breakfast doesn’t need to be complicated in order for it to be tasty. No need to spend the majority of your morning in the kitchen to only find your sink piled with dirty dishes. Not any longer because this pancake recipe requires only a blender. That’s why this truly is the perfect gluten-free vegan pancake. Only five…
Vegan Chocolate-Covered Cherries
Another reader request, this time Kelli asked me to create vegan chocolate-covered cherries–you know the kind with the gooey white filling? I took her idea and put a twist on it and methinks these are even better than just your typical chocolate-covered cherry! What’s so different about these, you ask? Oh, great question–thank you for asking…
Vegan Chocolate Turtles
I love it when I receive requests from you, super amazing readers and friends, about what you want to see over here–especially when whatever is on your mind is on mine as well. And I have been thinking a lot about Chocolate Turtles lately for some reason. It must have been because of all the…
Allergen-Friendly Baking 101: Chocolate-Making
I’m back to familiar territory and discussing all things CHOCOLATE today for this Valentine’s Day special edition of our Allergen-Friendly Baking Series. When I began Fork & Beans I quickly became known as the “Candy Lady” (if you scroll down this post you will see why). Making candy and tempering chocolate used to be something that intimidated…
Valentine’s Day Donuts
I’m a bit uncertain when it began but I have this new association of donuts when I think about Valentine’s Day. Not like I am thinking a lot about Lover’s Day but usually the two weeks prior to when I am trying to figure out what desserts I want to make, my inner voice is…
Homemade Chocolate Teddy Grahams
I’m always an advocate for balance. I have been through the wringer with a variety of diets (you can read about my weight loss story here) but the only thing that has actually kept my mind in a good place with food but has kept the weight off was removing this pendulum shift of going to extremes in…
Gluten-Free Cranberry Muffins
You know that face you make when you eat something tart and it hits you in the side of your cheek and sends shivers down your spine, makes you pucker your mouth, cringe your face, and roll your eyes? I wanted to name these gluten-free vegan cranberry muffins just that but I couldn’t find the…