Gnocchi is not an easy meal to recreate into a grain and egg free feast. This one took several, several times to get back into the kitchen and try again. I probably had five different variations, some of which disintegrated into the boiling water (not enough structure), others that had an “off” texture until I realized…
Vegan Chickpea Omelet
Omelet. Omelette. However you want to spell it this Vegan Chickpea Omelet isn’t made from eggs (technically that makes it a non-omelet but you get the point). Whip this up for breakfast and you will forget about which spelling is which and why it’s even called this. You’ll want to refer it simply by the…
Falafel Collard Wraps
Lunch is my toughest meal. If I don’t have leftovers from dinner I am usually at a loss and I have no idea why. I mean, it’s food. I love food. I have no troubles with breakfast or dinner but for some dang reason lunch totally trips me up. Before I started to eat clean…
Grain Free Tortillas
Gluten free tortillas. They are like the Holy Grail of bread-like foods to recreate for those who cannot eat gluten. Either they are too stiff to bend, too hard to eat or just nothing at all the way you remembered them to be. Until now. Until right flippin’ now. All thanks to a new flour,…
Jicama Home Fries
Jicama Home Fries are the perfect no potato option when you are looking for a nightshade-free breakfast. Once you sauté them long enough, they begin to take on the texture and taste of potatoes, and is a new way to introduce this water-based root vegetable to your kids and family. Maybe it’s because it’s Candida month here on…
How to Make a Candida-Friendly Smoothie
Getting your daily veggie intake on an Anti-Candida Diet can get tedious and be at-times difficult but there is always a way to get creative with it. Lately I have been turning to smoothies to get the job done when I cannot bother with another salad and I am here to help YOU on how to make a Candida-Friendly Smoothie…
Veggie Asian Salad
Cravings are definitely the worst part of the Anti-Candida diet. The food on the diet itself is great really, I mean, you are eating whole foods that are filling yet don’t weigh you down that naturally taste good. You get used to things not being so sweet, though that is something that is also hard…