I made an effort this past weekend to stock up on food to get us through a couple of weeks so I wouldn’t have to go out anymore than I needed to (thank you, pandemic). So here we sit, a few days until Sunday and no eggs to hard boil and dye. But that is okay because I am thinking that a new tradition has been created with these Easter Egg Painted Rocks.

Rocks are the new eggs anyway.
This doesn’t need a tutorial either. The concept is simple: Go on a nature walk and find the best rocks possible that resemble an egg shape (or don’t–do whatever you want; it’s a new era we are living in). You might want to wash them, depending on where you find your rocks, and you also might need to color them white as a base coat, depending on their color (as we did).

Once the base coat dries, use a variety of acrylic paint colors and brush away! I had to steal two rocks just to get my own designs in there. My kid (who is 3 years old) really loved this activity. Just as fun as dyeing eggs, if not better, these Easter Egg Painted Rocks are a super simple craft to clean up (no dyed hands afterward). You’re welcome, mom and dad.

New traditions are definitely being made in this household, ones that require using more of what we already have and finding things in nature to inspire and decorate. Despite how difficult this has been being indoors and with limited resources for a month now, I’m also finding my creative side really come to life. I’ve been trying to invite more in and see where it takes me.

And so far, it’s presenting itself as a rock masquerading as an Easter egg…and I’m liking it…
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