- 5 Enjoy Life crunchy double chocolate chip cookies
- 5 Tbsp. sunflower seed butter
- 2–3 Enjoy Life mini chips Snack Packs
- 24 gluten free pretzel sticks, broken in half
- 2 Tbsp. melted dairy free chocolate
- homemade googly eyes
- Glue together the gluten free pretzel stick halves with the melted chocolate for the legs (as pictured below). Gently place on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet and freeze. Only bring out of the freezer once the spider cookie has been assembled and is in need of legs.
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- Slather a Tbsp of sunflower seed butter on top of each cookie.
- Top with half of a bag of mini chocolate chips snack pack and gently pat down.
- Glue the googly eyes on top of the mini chocolate chips. Use a variety of eye amounts per cookie (for example, on one cookie, use 3; on another, use 4, etc).
- Place the cookies on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet.
- Glue the frozen legs to the tops of the cookies. Freeze again until set. Don’t take out until you are ready to serve.
1. If you do not want to bother with glueing the legs together, you can take a pretzel stick and lay it flat on the side of the cookie.
2. Yes, spiders have 8 legs but I found it overcrowded the cookies so I only used 6 legs. If it bothers you, feel free to use 8 π