It’s official. I am entering that place in life where I can no longer do certain things with my body without negative repercussions. So here’s the deal: My job requires a lot of sitting at a computer. That, mixed with my dad’s terrible spinal genes (that’s a real thing, right? ha) causes for deep pain in my lower back. So I am going to the gym consistently now and trying to stretch a lot to avoid back surgery one day. Good for me right? Well you see, my gym has a workout classroom that, if empty, you are more than welcome to use. So there I was, stretching and feeling calm and then this song pops up in my iPod and all I can think is, “This song is my jam…I must dance!”
Pause please. I haven’t been on a dance team since my freshmen year in college (a good 18 years ago). Pause again. Is that even right? Hold on, let me consult my fingers for counting. EIGHTEEN years, for reals??? *My hands just covered my face* Where is this time going?
So I get up and let go of caring if anyone walks by and sees me. I begin: Pirouette to the left, pirouette to the right (feeling a little dizzy now), kick-ball-change, turn, turn, leap. Crack. Oof, I felt that in my lower spine but nothing really hurt so I continued my routine. A day later I’m on the couch and I can barely get up. The pain in my spine was so great that as I routinely iced my back, I also had to drink scotch to medicate. I know, hardly a healthy way to deal with things but don’t judge me. It hurt that bad. Three days later and now I am still a little sore but feeling a bit better.
It’s times like these that I want to go back to those days where I was this snot-nosed 21 year old who scoffed at the idea that I would actually one day get older and my body would begin to hurt in places I never knew could. Ignorance is bliss, ain’t it? So I made Cinnamon ABC Crackers to make me at least feel young again, despite this back of mine.
Did you see the subliminal message in that photo above? Think of this like a “Where’s Waldo” game. See if you can figure it out, though it’s not that subliminal after all…

Cinnamon ABC Crackers (gluten-free vegan)
Dry Ingredients
- 1 c. Cara’s All-Purpose Flour blend (see below)
- 1/3 c. buckwheat flour
- 1/3 c. coconut palm sugar, or granulated sugar
- 1 tsp. cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp. nutmeg
- 1/2 tsp. baking powder
- 1/4 tsp. salt
Wet Ingredients
- 1/4 c. coconut oil, solid (or non-hydrogenated shortening)
- 3 Tbsp. unsweetened applesauce
- 1 Tbsp. flaxseed meal + 2 Tbsp. water –thickened for 5 minutes
- 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
- In a large bowl, whisk the dry ingredients together. Add all of the wet ingredients into the bowl and stir with a wooden spoon until a nice, smooth dough comes together. You might have to use your hands to mix well.
- Divide into two smooth balls, cover and chill in the fridge for 30 minutes.
- Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with a piece of parchment paper.
- Roll one dough ball out between two pieces of parchment paper. If your dough is still too sticky, sprinkle the bottom of the paper and top of dough with a tablespoon each side of flour blend.
- Roll into 1/4″ thickness and cut out with ABC cookie cutters. Place on baking sheet and bake for 8-10 minutes or until the edges are nicely brown. Repeat with other dough ball.
- Allow to fully cool and crisp up on a wire rack.
- Makes approx. 3 cups of cookies.
These ABC crackers are lightly sweetened–just enough to taste so if you like them sweet, increase your sugar to 1/2 cup (whichever sugar you choose to use). Here is the flour blend I use on a daily basis. I think it gives some of the best results in baked goods:
If you want to you use your own blend or mix up the flours, feel free to do so–always understand that your results might be different. Nothing is guaranteed in this crazy world of gluten-free vegan baking. Need help with flour substitutions? Check out this: Guide to Gluten-Free Flours.
Happy baking, friends!
Here’s to forgetting that our bodies are getting older…
I just found your blog and my kids are going to love it. We are gluten, corn, soy, peanut, apple, oat, and newly egg free between everyone in the house. I had the rest down but egg has been throwing me so no baked goods yet. Or not much. My one question is if you know of something to sub for the applesauce in this recipe. I was wondering about bananas or (dairy) butter? Thanks. Egg and gluten free is seriously throwing me but after a bad reaction from cross contamination with my older kids eggy breakfast I’m going to have to cut them out for everyone – especially before the baby starts crawling!
Yeah, the whole no eggs in baking really is the killer, isn’t it??! I’m a huge supporter for experimentation so my answer to your question would be to give it a try. I’m not 100% sure how well it would be as a good substitute but through deduction, I used applesauce as an oil replacer and since banana can also be an oil replacer, I say try it. Again, I’m not positive but it’s worth a shot! Good luck and let me know how it goes.
Oh my goodness, you poor thing! I’m glad you’re feeling a little better. That’s rough stuff! I hope these crackers are helping
Once I start dipping them into ice cream, I will feel better
Well I just would like to add that This is a dual recipe because to me this also looks like the cereal Alpha-bits cereal only larger letters in your recipe. So good job you came out with two recipes(or in my mind you did). Well off to the OM Dome… Namaste
P.s. Take herbs for your back and see a Naturopath/master herbalist if you already do not. just sayin
You read my mind, Hippy Mom! I was thinking the same thing when I placed the cookies into the bowl
xo! Thank you for the well wishes too…
I hear ya! I went for my first run a couple weeks ago since I got pregnant and nearly died I was so out of breath! I guess that’s what happens when you stop running for 16months, gain 35lbs and grow a child inside of you. Slowly but surely I will regain my stamina.
Hope your back pain goes away fast and you can get back to Flashdance moments! xo
Bravo to YOU for getting back in gear, breathless or not
*she says as she puts her over-the-shoulder shirt and head band on and hits the dancefloor* (and by she, I mean me) hehe
wow, I visited your blog for the first time yesterday and I am so happy to find it. My parents prefer gluten free and dairy free because of health problems and there is so much I can make for them!
Oh no! I’m sorry you’re not feeling 100%. I know that having a stiff, painful back can ruin your whole day. For me it’s my neck. I’ve had neck issues for the longest time, and they’re irritated by sitting down. Luckily my job is a stand-up job, but on the wrong day, even that ruins me. Have you tried positioning your computer monitor so that it forces you to sit up straight? I find myself that I over-compensate (aka stand so straight that I’m practically looking at the ceiling), it really helps!
I’m loving these crackers…..they look so fun to eat
I don’t do that since I have a laptop but still I should, right?! How do you help your pain???
Eek! How do you think the mother of that ’18 years ago college freshman’ feels about time flying by?
Okay, I saw C-A-R-H-E-W-S-F-B hee! hee! They look tasty regardless of the subliminal message.
I’ll bet when you started to dance you were feeling a little muddled :-)Hope your back feels better!
HA! Eek, is right. But then again, I am older than you by 6 years now, right? 29 years old???
Oh! Really…29? lets be realistic – I’m now going with 49, on a good day.
Um, you are the cutest person in the world! You are 29 in my eyes. Now let’s go shopping and drink lattes. I need mom time stat
I hope you feel better, time certainly does sneak up on us. Love the crackers.
Thank you Cheri
Oh and before you go, you won Lexie’s Everyday Classics cookbook giveaway! You missed your name being announced–CONGRATS, girl. Send me your info to so I can ship it to you. xo
yoga yoga yoga…. takes the pain out of getting older
Seriously, the right kind of yoga can do wonders for back issues.
These look like a great way to ease the pain in the meantime!
Kelli, you took the words right out of my mouth. I used to take this yoga stretch class that fit my needs to a T and then I moved. Enter sad face. I keep telling myself that I need to find a similar class but now hearing you say this too, I will definitely look better! Keep bugging me about it, will you? I need to be reminded…
I have the best kind ~ practiced and recommended by lots of chiropractors and massage therapists. I only know of one teacher in LA right now (I’m in Orange County, so a little far for regular classes), but if you PM me your address I’ll send you a DVD if you want to give it a try. I think it would help a lot!
And yet another reason why I should move back to the OC… Thank you for the recommendation
Will PM you! xo
It is beautiful down here
Bummer…back pain is awful! I keep my acupuncturist on speed dial for times when I’m seriously out of whack.
The crackers look really delicious and the ABC shapes make them even more appealing.
Acupuncturist. That is a brilliant idea. I need one of those and I need speed dial too
Thank you for the suggestion!
You are too funny! Thanks for being transparent. I feel your pain! I had to take a minute to calculate how many years since graduation (16) for me. Time has flown. Your blog has helped me be in a better place, in many ways, than back then. Thanks for all of your fantastic recipes!!! I heart F and B (the not-so-subliminal message?). I just pre-ordered your book. I can’t wait:) Oh, and feel better soon!
Ohmygoodness Charity–First of all, thank you for the preorder! How super kind, for reals. Secondly, I am so sorry to have made you calculate the college years. It’s rather sobering isn’t it? However, I’m glad to hear that you and I have grown tremendously since those years!
Hey there subliminal FB!!! I hope your back gets to feeling better soon. By the way these crackers would float my little fruit bandits boat so I am gonna have to make him some.
I shall bring some for the weirdo next time I visit. Next week?? And you will get cookies too for being so smart
Adorable crackers. REally cute. Now, make an appointment with a Chiropractor! WASAMATTAU? Get better I miss you. <3 <3 <3
P.S. Thank all the gods for ice packs I've been using them so much this month I've got a heating pad nearby to offset the cold. HAHA
I have THOUGHT about going to the chiro. Does that count for anything?? hehe. I miss you too! xo
Back pain is the worst. I hope you’re feeling right as rain soon!
Oh, and these crackers look terrific!
Thank you for that, Sarah! I appreciate it, xo