I have been like a shaken up snowglobe, waiting for the snow pieces to settle back down to the bottom. Hence my disappearance as of late. I have been hoping that the less my life moves, the sooner everything settles. And hopefully the sweeter it will become, just like these vegan Ice Cream Snickers Bars.
RELATED: Vegan Rocky Road Ice Cream
Have you ever had a crazy time in your life where you are consumed by the insanity that you almost forget what exactly it is that you have been through? I have been slowly able to gradually build back a routine in this new life of mine and this weekend, as I sat in momentary silence, it occurred to me: Son of a Vondruke, my life has been flipped upside down these past 3 months! The amount of changes that I have endured is ridiculous:
A break-up.
Finding my dream job.
A move.
Losing my dream job.
Another move.
Getting accustomed to a new life, new routine, new city
RELATED: Easy Chipwiches
All I can do is pray for the snow to settle quicker.
Especially when I don’t want the chocolate to melt all over my fingers…
RELATED: Easiest Berry FroYo
Layered with nondairy ice cream, raw caramel, peanuts, and dipped into melted chocolate, these Vegan Ice Cream Snickers Bars are the perfect cool treat.
Ice Cream “Snickers” Bars
- Prep Time: 20 mins
- Total Time: 20 mins
- 2 c. dairy free vanilla ice cream, softened
- 1 c. peanuts, unsalted
- 2 c. Enjoy Life chocolate chips + 1/2 c coconut oil, melted until smooth
Raw Caramel Sauce
- 10 dates, depitted and chopped
- 2 Tbsp. water
- 2 tsp. vanilla extract
- 2 Tbsp. coconut oil
- 2 Tbsp. maple syrup
- Blend all the ingredients for the raw caramel sauce until smooth.
- Line an 8″x8″ pan with parchment paper.
- Fill bottom layer with softened ice cream by scooping out the ice cream and then flattening it down with a spatula.
- Layer with the date caramel sauce on top of the ice cream and then coat with the peanuts. Freeze for 1 hour.
- Remove the parchment paper from the pan and cut in half and then into small rectangular pieces.
- Carefully dip into the melted chocolate sauce. Place on a plate that is lined with parchment paper and freeze again for 10 minutes.
RELATED: Almost Raw Snickers Bars
Reblogged this on Meganwhitney's Blog.
Awesome idea! Thanks for sharing this recipe!
WOW how cool is this?! A vegan Snickers bar, who would have thought!
Aww Miss Cara how i’ve missed you – so glad to have you back, as always sending lots of good energy your way- you have gone through alot within the past few months and you seem to have been able to see the positive in each change, that is something to truly be admired. xo
How I have missed YOU! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the love and good energy. I swear, I have been feeling it each and every time you have sent it my way. xo
Of course we MISSED you! This blog world just is not the same without Cara. Serious! Glad you are settling (a little) – I am so excited to see what is next for you! xox
Oh goodness, you are way too sweet with your words. Thank you for this beautiful comment, Shira. Excited to catch up on your world as well. xo
Oh Cara! I have been waiting for your dust to settle. I thought perhaps you were playing hooky on your blog because you had way cooler things to do then tell us all about your snicker’s ice cream bars (ok, I jest, what could be better than snicker’s ice cream bars) you know the way right into my heart.
Missing your guts. xoxo
I cannot tell you how happy I am to be back over here–this place keeps me focused and sane! Packing up my bags and heading out to Utah…
Loving your guts.
Bring your skillz, we are gonna get busy in the kitchen. The vegan restaurant scene is huge in SLC. Surely there is something for you here. I’m doing some research. I have a rent free guest room, just sayin…..
Road trip!!!
Whaaaaat!? Crazy crazy happenings in the life of the lovely Cara….. chin up, tiger – the roughest and most topsy-turvy times in my life were the periods that taught me SO much and gave me so much STRENGTH. You will be superwoman after all of this curfuffle (yes, that’s a word). I didn’t know that your job didn’t work out…. thats sad – but you know, one door closes, another opens (sounds so cheesy I know, but it really is true!) Massive squeezy hugs and squeaks for you xxx PS SO happy to see you back 😉
I’m stealing the world “curfuffle” haha. I love that! You are right with everything you say. Now that things have settled and I can see more clearly, I truly am excited for what is going to happen next. Sending you massive squeezy hugs and squeaks right back!
Yay, you’re back! What’s funny is that today, I was thinking that you hadn’t posted recently and I figured you had been very busy (a good busy). I guess it hasn’t been as good, but I hope that turns around soon. As usual, your recipe sounds amazing.
::swoops in and takes a bar for sampling purposes:: Quality control 😉
Dear Quality Control,
Thank you for the thoughts–I felt them as they kicked my butt into gear to getting back over here and posting 🙂 So happy to see your face…
I’m glad to see you back and posting! You’ve been missed! You have been through a lot these past few months. They say for every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction. I hope your reaction comes in the form of sunnier days! You deserve them! Plus, these melty, decadent bars look amazing. They’d be perfect for lounging by the pool and soaking in the rays.
Ack, have I missed YOU! Thank you for the love Cadry. It’s good to be back. I will gladly accept sunnier days too 🙂 Send lots my way! xo
Cara I was thinking about you yesterday, wondering where you had gone! I’m so happy you have mde an appearance!
On the other hand, you have been through way more than someone should have to deal with this year. But you are one strong amazing woman and you will get through to the other side! Times like these show us what we are made of and you are made of some kick-ass, super warrior material. You will bounce back and be better than ever 🙂
Sending you so many hugs and loving thoughts my friend 🙂
Oh and these look delicious! Your recipes always make me wish I lived with you so I could be your permanent taste tester hehe
I think that I need a shirt that says “I am made of kick-ass, super warrior material!” Right?!! Thank you for the love, hugs and good thoughts–so needed and appreciated! xo Come move to California stat!
I second that notion- Gabby, you need to move to California ASAP!
YAAAAAYYYYY! You’re back! I only discovered your blog a couple of months ago and yet I have totally missed you posting – like that feeling when you discover a cool new sitcom and are saddened when the station shows repeats of Cheers!
Anyways, I totally know what it’s like to be overwhelmed with too much sh*t. Try to remember to take it one day at a time (maybe even one hour at a time) and that this too will pass. Roll with it. You’ll get there, you can do it!
Gawd, I hope I didn’t just sound like a motivational speaker on a late night infomercial…sending warm thoughts 😉
Suzanne, if you called yourself Matt Foley and told me that you lived in a van down by the river, I would gladly hire you as my personal motivational speaker…even if you were on at midnight! LOVED (times 62) your comment–wow, you know how to make this girl smile. Thank you so much!! Hopefully no more reruns will be appearing from this point on! xo
Didn’t I mention that I DO live in a van down by the river – and wear a polyester blazer that is ridiculously too small for me 😉
P.S. Reruns are totally OK. I loved meeting your peeps. Plus, I like it “where everybody knows your name”
Say you sweat a lot and I am all yours 🙂
OK this part is actually true…I am a sweater. Or as I like to say ‘a shvitzer’. Sorry, did that just ruin your image of me?
Hang in there beautiful! I am thinking of you constantly and sending you lots of love and hugs your way. XOXOXOXO
PS these snicker bars look divine!
Have I mentioned that I miss you dearly too? Because it’s true. I really do. Sending you love right back. Would love to chat one of these days when both of lives finally calm down a bit! xo
Just like everyone above, I have missed you and your bright positive, inspiring posts- they always bring a smile to my face. I’m glad to hear that things are FINALLY starting to settle for you! It seems as though sometimes things just need to get shaken up a bit so they can resettle in their proper place.
With that said, we totally need to catch up! Until we can meet up, I’m sending you lots of hugs! 🙂
I really need to see you! And give you THE biggest hug for those muffins and card. Please! 🙂
This week and next are a little busy (on twin-duty), but let’s get together soon. Text me, or I’ll text you. 🙂
yay.. u r back! i dont know how you manage the perfect chocolate coating on the ice cream:) things are going to get as beautiful as this snickers soon! hugsss!
Who cares about the light at the end of the tunnel or the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow when you can have beauty like Snickers ice cream bars!! I love that, Richa! xo Happy to be back…I have missed you!
Blimey, Cara – a lot has happened! I hope all goes a little more smoothly for here on in! In truth, I;d been missing your posts! This ice cream looks AWESOME. I’m totally craving one 😀
Well, all I can say is that I am ready for your sarcasm back into my life. I have missed it dearly and am in desperate need for some 🙂
Haha – I’m nothing but sincere :D.
Are you saying that your *sarcasm* is nothing but sincere? That I believe!
Haha – whatever man :D. I’ve already had enough of you 😛
Aaaaaahhh, it’s like I am home. Much better, thank you 😉
Haha, no problem! I live to serve you…
I like the sound of that! I’m printing this comment for future use…
thats way too much shit for such a short amount of time. im so impressed your holding things together. sending you virtual hugs and happy thoughts because youre a rock star and deserve a easy breezy life. or at least next few months. 🙂
That first sentence in your comment could not have better described what I wrote–too much shit for such a short amount of time is right! ha. Holding tightly to those virtual hugs and happy thoughts. Thank you Elise! xo
My dear girl, that would be a lot to go through in three years, let alone three months! Hopefully that means you’ve gotten all the drama out of the way for a good long while now, eh? Hope your bliss returns soon. XOXOX
I’m hoping I have a break for awhile now too… ha. Thanks for the love, Lizzie! Looking forward to some bliss, indeed.
Wow, is right! Lots has changed for you. I can imagine it has been very difficult. *many hugs* But I am selfishly excited to see you posting again! I missed you! 🙂 *HUGS*
I am excited to be posting again. I lost my sanity for a little while–this place (and all of you) keep me grounded. I’m ready to sink my feet back into something sturdy again… xo!
So much to deal with! Wow. Hang in there.
Your recipe sounds uber fantastic. My keyboard has missed all the drool.
Get ready to reacquaint your keyboard with more drool 🙂
Thanks for the love, Deanna! xo
If I could actually make these, I would (you know I’m an idiot.) But seriously–holy freaking yum. And on a more mature note, I have been holding off sending you an email, as I know your life’s been crazy. Just know I’m thinking of you and hope that things settle down soon. Life begins outside your comfort zone and all that crap 😉
I heart you, Abby! I have so missed you and talking to you–I cannot wait to get back to that routine (I am sensing this is the week!) Yay. But thank you so much for thinking of me–the feeling and thoughts are so very mutual! xoxo
You are an effing magician O_O
Just call me Cara the Magnificent 🙂 ha. xoxo
Cara is back! All is right with the world. <3
Plus, finding your dream job once will make it all the more easy to find again. This is your year!
Man, I love you. You always know the right thing to say at the right moment. You are correct!! This IS my year 🙂
I cannot wait to see you!!
Cara….I woke up thinking of you this morning…Missing You. And here you are. I am so sorry for all that you have and are going through. I hope the snow settles fast and you can feel Peace. Tons of Love and Hugs to You….Viv
PS. These Bars Look Great!!!
Thank you so much friend. What a beautiful comment–that totally touched my hear that you have been thinking of me. Thank you. xoxo. An Indian food date needs to happen soon!
Oh ladyfriend, I hope things calm down for you very quickly! I didn’t realize you’d moved twice! That’s a LOT! Also this: If all of the snowflakes were chocolate bars and milkshakes oh what a world this would be… Words of wisdom… Peace!
If the snowflakes were such I’d pray for another upheaval so I could open my mouth and eat every piece 🙂 xo
So glad you’re back! I tried to call one day last week, just to check in but either my line was down or you’ve got a new number. These, of course, look yummy. Incentive to buy dates which I’ve been putting off. Of course, not having a computer to order with is a possible excuse but I’m not buying it. Welcome home, Lady. er… Princess Fork Mistress of the Universe.
Hi beautiful friend. When you called, my fam was still in town 🙁 Sorry I have been so bad at calling back–been waiting for a time to catch my breath. I love you!
Family trumps all. I totally understand. What was weird was the message that the number was no longer assigned. So, yogic breathing every other 15 minutes? Kinda like a scout walk, so you cover more ground?
Love you right back, sweetheart. Is that a pun on your name?
That IS weird! I will message you my number just to double check that you still have the correct one? Very strange..
P.S. My sister was like, “So this Laurel lady, I feel like she is a dear family friend–she is so sweet!” 🙂
Aw… I’m going to have to harass her on FB or something. Do you think she’d mind?
Harass away! 🙂
I’ve missed you and your lovely posts my dear! I hope things are starting to settle down nicely for you. We should chat soon and catch up!
Also, I need these in my mouth right now. Please?
I would love to catch up, yes! I have missed you DEARLY!!!
i’m so happy to see you posting! i missed you! i’m so glad you are finally getting settled and accustomed to your new life. it’s going to be awesome 😉
as far as snickers ice cream sandwiches, those were always a favorite of mine. i remember always asking my mom if i could eat two..no wonder i was a chunker 😉
YOU were a chunker??? I cannot believe that at all! 🙂
Hi love! I have missed you…