I solely blame my father on my love, no scratch that, my obsession with dessert. I know, I know. You are rolling your eyes and thinking that I am overreacting with my choice of wording. Obsession? Really? Yes. Obsessed! Hello, you read my blog right? Take one look and it’s obvious I’m crazy. For dessert. (I’m also just plain crazy but that is for another day to talk about). And I’m especially crazy for these vegan DIY Drumsticks.
RELATED: Homemade Gluten Free Ice Cream Cones
After every flippin’ meal, my dad’s immediate words of asking what’s for dessert unconsciously trained me to this day to always ask this question. In fact, I have a tendency of asking this multiple times throughout the day. Growing up, our options for our after-dinner treat always seemed to include Drumsticks. Our freezer seemed to have been well-stocked with these ice cream cones as if we were preparing for some Zombie Apocalypse where Drumsticks were our only salvation.
RELATED: Ice Cream Snickers Bars
I don’t blame the zombies–they really are delightful and worth taking over the world for. Especially the nut topping–I used to gather each chopped nut around the plate with my finger and as I ate each piece, I would mourn the fact that my dessert came to such a quick ending.
RELATED: Easiest Berry FroYo
Now there will be no more mourning since these do-it-yourself ice cream cones called out my name for new life. I listened to such a welcomed beckoning.
Recreate one of your favorite frozen treats with four simple ingredients. So easy, anyone can make these vegan DIY Drumsticks at home!
DIY Drumsticks
- Prep Time: 25 mins
- Total Time: 25 mins
- Yield: 1 Drumstick 1x
- 1 gluten-free ice cream cone (Let’s Do… brand)
- 2 scoops of non-dairy ice cream (I used TJ’s Vanilla Soy)
- 1 1/4 c. Enjoy Life chocolate chips + 1/2 c coconut oil, melted until smooth
- 2 Tbsp. chopped nuts of choice (I used peanuts)
- Place ice cream into cone and then a nice scoop on top.
- Mix 1 1/4 cups Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips with 1/2 cup coconut oil. Heat them up in the microwave, stir to combine, let them cool to a temperature that will not melt your ice cream and dip it in.
- Roll cone in nuts.
- Freeze upright for 20 minutes until back to firm again.
RELATED: Vegan Cookie Dough Ice Cream
OMG!! I’ve been craving these so bad lately! Can’t wait to make my own 😛
Looooot’s of chocolate on top. Wonderful pictures and a great recipe!
I love chocolate and am quite obsessed. So happy to find these! Hopefully I don’t get the soggyness someone else described. I hate soggy 🙂 Loved the crunch in the bottom. It was my favorite.. how am I supposed to get that result at home?
I didn’t have a problem with sogginess, RE. There is only one way to find out: MAKE THEM! 🙂 And when you do, invite me over please…
Haha – I used to have these in the freezer all. the. time! They really were so good – great idea making them vegan… it’s about time! They should really catch on and put them on the shelves that way. 😛
Maybe I should buy an ice cream truck and start selling them 🙂
yum!!!! these look sooooo good. I am pumped to try this vegan version. Dairy ice cream makes me so very sick. So, I’ve not had a drum stick in a long time! I think I’ll finally try coconut ice cream and make these delicious looking treats soon!
ps. I love love love dessert 🙂
Hey! Just thought I’d let you know, I nominated you for Food Stories Award! You can check it out here (http://veggienook.com/2012/05/25/quickie-recipe-quinoa-kidney-bean-and-walnut-burgers-with-super-easy-sugar-free-ketchup/) and here’s the info on the award 🙂 (http://foodstoriesblog.com/food-stories-award/) Thanks for being so wonderful 🙂
I love you.
Is that weird?
Seriously though, I saw a kid with a drumstick a couple of days ago and had a vegan version on my mind. I’m so glad to see this today, as I had totally forgotten!
Ah, the stars have alligned just for you, seeing that you have your ice cream cone now and that I love you too! 🙂
oh this is super funny! I not only love your sense of humor, I love dessert and am always looking for a healthy one to substituted. I especially can’t wait to try the chocolate chip cookie sandwiches! My girls love my (black bean) brownies, but now they have some more options:) hehe
Hi Joanne! So great to hear from you–thank you for the comment. Enjoy the ice cream sandwiches…but now I want that bean brownie recipe 🙂
Namastasty indeed! It is midnight and I would indeed like one of these before bed!! There can’t be a kid in the world that wouldn’t LOVE one of these….including me 🙂 Obsessed? All the best ones are…
xox 🙂
Is that equivalent to the best artists are the most tortured ones??? haha
I was the one who would remove all the nuts and just eat the chocolate and the ice cream.. 😀 . you are one amazing woman! 🙂
I would have been like a vacuum, waiting to devour your nuts. haha. I’m sorry. That just sounds bad. Wow, I’m so immature.
Oh no you didn’t….
I used to love these growing up! They remind me of the beach and the little store they have with a freezer just packed with these! They were such a treat! Leave it to you to recreate everyone’s childhood favourite 🙂
I’m such a dessert person too. I try to keep it healthy, but we need to indulge sometimes and this looks perfect!
I need to adopt your healthy mentality for dessert. I never seem to know how to do that 🙂 Teach me thy ways…
Is there anything you can’t do? Our fridge was stocked with these, growing up. The chocolate at the bottom wasn’t my fave either- it was actually that first bite of cone that included the ice cream and the chocolate/nut shell. Good stuff. And the TJ’s Vanilla Soy is the best!
I can’t tap dance while wearing scuba gear.
That ice cream is rather magical, isn’t it? I’m so happy I found it. In fact, if you will excuse me, I need to eat some more right now…
I don’t believe you. Why don’t you strap on some goggles and tap shoes and let’s find out for sure!
*tap tap tap tap* Can you see me???
I sense a theme. xox
oooo drumsticks – when I first saw the title I figured you made “chik’n” drunsticks 🙂 ….then I saw these and they brough back so many memories! My Granpa use to order them by the case from the Swanns Truck – so, so Yummy! I looked forward to the bottom of the cone where there would be a big hunk of chocolate – and I never leave a nut uneaten, or jimmy or anything for that matter on my plate 🙂
The necessity to devour every last crumb makes my heart a’flutter… <3
I think I agree with the whole obsession thing… Looks spectacular, Cara! I’d do it with REAL ingredients though :D. Only joking of course, well I’m not, but your ingredients are also real…
You are so smug (I’m giggling as I write this). Seriously Nick. I could punch you 😉
I have been waiting for those drumstick/nutty buddies! So worth the wait! Nom Num Num. (Me chomping imaginary treat). I love the nut topping AND the chocolate coated interior of the cone!
Crunch crunch (me stealing a bite from your imaginary treat)
How funny, I just made some allergy friendly drumsticks this weekend. I found that making your own “Magic Shell” helped the chocolate problem. Just mix 1 1/4 cups Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips with 1/2 cup coconut oil. Heat them up in the microwave, stir to combine, let them cool to a temperature that will not melt your ice cream and dip it in. It will give you a little more time to get the shell you want plus the nuts adhered.
THANK YOU, Lys! This is perfect!! I hope you don’t mind that I added this to the directions (and gave you full credit for being a magic shell genius) 🙂 xo
Glad to share! The “Magic Shell” was a big hit just poured over ice cream too.
You are a wizard! Love this, thank you so much.
I am at this very moment simultaneously surfing the interwebs for an ice cream maker for my husband’s birthday. Coincidence? I think NOT! Also, I can personally attest to the awesomeness of those cones. A GF friend left some of them here once and they are DELICIOUS! Ever have a Nutty Buddy?
I think not either, in fact, I am super jealous that you are going to have an ice cream maker, even if it will be your husband’s.
What is a Nutty Buddy and why am I giggling?
wow those look delectable! can you believe i’ve NEVER had a drumstick?!!? i was always a tollhouse cookie sandwich or ChocoTaco kind of a gal growing up! But Gosh, those drumsticks look so fantastic i may just have to remedy that! thanks for sharing!!
ChocoTaco! You just took it back to high school with mention of that 🙂 Well now it sounds like you have an excuse to try a Drumstick now…
For the entirety of my high school career when I ate in the cafeteria, I ended the meal with a drumstick. They were 75 cents apiece, and my favorite part, as many have mentioned, was that last chocolatey bite. It was a good news/bad news scenario. Bad news – you’ve reached the last bite of your treat. Good news – the last bite is the best one! I was glad to read in the comments that you did indeed coat your cone with chocolate.
I generally eat frozen banana soft serve. I’ll have cherry amaretto Coconut Bliss on a rare occasion, but it’s been a long while. Anyway, it’s been a very, very long time since I’ve eaten a cone. I realized this needs to change ASAP.
One more thing – I like Abby’s “chocolate closure” idea. It legitimizes my nightly chocolate square. After all, everyone needs closure.
The frozen banana soft serve could actually be really good in this! This gives me an idea for next time.
What do you say that you, Abby and I write a book on chocolate closure? Or Abby actually, since it’s her idea and she has already written a book. We can just be in the picture in the background on the back of the book 🙂
As long as I get my picture in the book, it’s all good with me! I hope there will be chocolate at the wrap party!
wait. what? I have no other words for this. <3
Fair enough, Dawn 🙂
My mommy loves these, only back East I think they call ’em nutty buddies. Nice, Cara!!!
Why in the world would anyone choose to call these Drumsticks when there is Nutty Buddies?? I will forever refer to them as that!
Yes, that is what I call them too. I think they are two different brands of the same thing.
Yeah, but Nutty Buddys have a softer cone and no chocolate at the bottom. And they don’t make em’ any more. =(
A girl after my own heart. There is a reason I am a chubby vegan and it is spelled
d-e-s-s-e-r-t. I gained weight in high school because they sold Drumsticks at the cafeteria. I loved the very last bite of the tip of the cone, because it was filled with chocolate to keep the ice cream from dripping out. Marvelous! Your version looks just like it. Mmmm.
HA! I did the chocolate in the bottom touch in my version too! That wasn’t my favorite part–strangely, I am not a big chocolate person. But how funny that I still put it in there–I had to have it precisely as I remembered it.
I can’t imagine not being a big chocolate person. Neither is my son-in-law. Ah, well…more for the rest of us! ;D
BTW, I was recently nominated by Kristy over at http://www.keepinitkind.com for Kreativ Blogger and the Sunshine Blogger Awards. I wanted to pass it on to you. You can check it out at http://cheerfullyvegan.wordpress.com/2012/05/23/blog-awards/
excuse me lady. i may be mistaken, but i do believe drumsticks cones were coated on the inside with chocolate! (that’s why the cone was always my favorite part!) regardless, these take me back to when i was a little girl and would get these on special occasions(i do remember them being a bit pricy). it’s kind of ironic now, but i never cared for the nut topping. now, i eat nuts at nearly every meal!
I didn’t take a picture of it but I coated mine on the bottom part 🙂 That was my least favorite part and the nut topping was the best. We would have been fun Drumstick eaters (or as GiGi says they were once called Nutty Buddies) together–I would have eaten the top where all the nuts are (that sounds bad) and you would eat my choco-coated cone. xo
aww, we totally would have tackled the drumstick together. yumm..melty vanilla icecream in the bottom of the chocolate coated cone….
DREAM COME TRUE! When I was a little kid, Drumsticks were my FAVORITE dessert. It would be a race to get one of these before my dad ate the whole box!
Here I am, craving ice cream for breakfast. Looks so good!
hehehe. You are welcome 🙂
TJ’s soy ice creams are THE BEST. I particularly love the vanilla one, so, great choice 🙂
P.S. I heard their chocolate chips, which until now were vegan, are scheduled to receive dairy implants :-((( I went to TJ’s yesterday to buy up the last of the vegan chips, but, alas, they were already totally sold out! They were so much better than the other store-brand vegan chips I use…sigh!
P.P.S. I adore dessert, too, and don’t trust people who don’t.
SAY IT ISN’T SO!!! Trader Joe’s is changing their chocolate chip recipe??????? NOOOoooooooooo….I am in so much trouble! (And so is my blog…)
Good news! I went into Trader Joe’s today since I was driving right by. I asked point-blank about the chocolate chips. The only difference is that they have changed the cleaning procedure in the facility that makes them from a wet cleaner to a dry cleaner. For some reason, this requires them to change the labeling on their chocolate chips, even though the recipe has not change! He said they are actually looking into switching to a different company so that this won’t be an issue any longer. Whew. I was so relieved. I’m not so dreadfully allergic to milk that this will affect me.
Dawn, you are my girl! Yes–one who says that they don’t have a sweet tooth is very deserving of a pair of shifty eyes.
I didn’t even know that TJ’s had vegan chocolate chips! But what I do like is their HUGE dark choco bars. Sometimes I will just use that if I am using melted chocolate because, as you said, their taste is far superior.
I tried something usual but combining chocolate with coconut oil to make a ice-magic(magic shell) but found that the gf cones here went soggy. I wonder if it was just a brand issue.
Oh! I should have done that with the coconut oil–what a GREAT suggestion K! I will try that next time, plus I will include that you said that in the instructions. I bought the real crispy cones and found they were almost identical to the crunch of the original kind. Or maybe I ate it so quickly that I didn’t even notice? ha
I hope this doesn’t spoil our new friendship, but I’m not huge on dessert. Now hear me out–I do need a small piece of chocolate every night after dinner of my big PM snack, but I call it “chocolate closure,” just a small little sweet bite to end things out. I do love soft serve ice cream, but seeing as you can’t really find a non-dairy/non-soy option, it’s been years since I’ve had it. Sigh…
However, when I come to stalk you at a time TBD, I will force you to make me this dessert, but subbing in a non-soy option and adding sprinkles. You have time to prepare.
You should try Coconut milk ice cream. I hear it is fabulous. (Unfortunately, I’m not a fan of agave syrup and it contains that.)
I’ve thought about it, but at close to $7 a pint, it’s not worth it at this point. If I loved ice cream that much though, I totally would! 🙂
OUCH!! I think prices are just cheaper where I live. Yikes. I wouldn’t try it, either.
I think I need to start participating in chocolate closure–I think that is all dessert is for me. I just need something sweet to balance everything out and truth be told, I don’ want to eat a lot of dessert. I just want that sweet tooth satiated. Thank you for at least giving me plenty of time to prepare an AMAZING dessert to make for your arrival. I will have to make my own homemade ice cream and homemade sprinkles now. It’ll be like Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory in my kitchen 🙂