Virtual Advent Calendar:
All the singing yesterday
led me to having a sore throat today.
I think I took my rockstar career a wee bit too seriously
after I began my professional vocal chord warm-up yesterday.
I literally sang my way through the day.
I can’t help it though!
It brought me back to the good ol’ days of high school “Glee Club.”
((Can you imagine me as a singing and dancing fool? haha.
Oh wait, don’t answer that!))
So I got carried away.
It happens.
Okay, often.
But this is the time of year where it is completely permitted, right?
That’s what I thought!
So put your tap shoes and sequined vest on
and join me as we jazz our hands and sing–
“The 12 Days of Christmas [Cookies]“:
And a Peanut Butter Delight Coooooook-ie.
What the hell are Kolaches anyway?
(pronounced ko-lah-key)
This was my question to Brooke when she initially sent me the recipes for the cookies.
She told me to trust her and that they were a little slice of heaven.
The woman could not be any closer to the truth!
(I just made up that word, clearly)
I quickly contacted Brooke after I made these, shouting off the rooftop that:
“Kolaches are my newest favorite cookie!”
And they should be yours too.
Here is a visual instructional guide for you:
These cookies are just the right size too:
They fit into the palm of your handย or stows away nicely in your pocket.
I love the way Brooke’s Kolaches came out!
Her’s have a better shape than what I got from using the top of a jar for the round cutter.
I just love how they have a little point at each end, wouldn’t you agree?
I plan on making these kolaches for a cookie swap! But I have a question! The recipe call for “one stick of earth balance butter”. I bought that very brand but the sticks are actually “half sticks” or 1/2 cup not 1 cup which would equal one stick of butter. So would you use 1-1/2 stick or 2-1/2 sticks for this recipe?
Earth Balance sticks are actually not half sticks. They just are fatter and shorter than regular butter. Each stick is 8 tablespoons.
Can you make these without the xanthan gum, or would you know of any substitutions? Thanks. Your blog is great. Always love stopping by.
Hi Anu! This gets a little tricky since I haven’t made these cookies in 4 years when I first started so I can only speculate. I think you should be fine to omit the gum. Just make sure you let them cool completely as they will most likely be more delicate coming out of the oven. Good luck!
How many cookies does this recipe yield?
I just made these and they were great! Only after looking back at the recipe now did I realize I used way too much cream cheese, I put in the entire 8oz package instead of the 3oz it called for, probably explains why the dough was so sticky and hard to roll out. But can’t complain because like I said they tasted great. I should mention that I’m only gluten free so I did use real butter and cream cheese.
One can never have too much cream cheese ๐ ha! Glad they still worked out, Emily. xo
These look so fancy! Xanthan gum scares me a bit, though. Because of the corn thing. I saw some of that for like, $16 dollars a lb. in my grocery store today. That’s wild!
But anyway, if I haven’t told you before, you’re photographs are super pretty. I’m always tempted to make everything. But I can’t this month. I really need to stop looking at all of these food blogs (yours especially!) (but I can’t do that).
If you stopped looking at my blog, I would fume! I could give a crap if you ever made anything from here, but no comments from Isobelle??? Oh dear, I would be sooooooooooo sad! Now that I have admitted to you that I am dependent on you, you better not leave me ๐
Oh, I’m not going anywhere! I couldn’t not comment on your blog. That’s too hard.
Dry heaving has ceased. Phew. Don’t ever do that to me again…
thanks for stopping by my blog. ๐
you should come make me all your treats. but they are too pretty to eat!!
Coming over right now!…
Cara, you don’t know how much I love your blog; it’s always filled with such creatively delicious inspiration. oh, and these would a perfect addition for the brunch I’m having this month mmm ๐
That just made my day, hearing this! Thank you so much for all the love and support. I am soooo pleased to know that F&B inspires you in some way–I truly am! Hope you have a lovely brunch…xo
These look really delicate, cute and tasty. I look forward to making some with my munchkins in the very near future.
Thanks Cara! ๐
Nina, how many munchkins do you have?
3 munchkins. Zander will be 7, in January. Anya was 5 in September and Drew (boy) is 21 months old. And before you ask, NO, I am NOT having any more! ๐
And where in the world are you finding all of this energy to take care of 3 kiddos and be an avid Fork and Beans supporter??! Man, I will wrap up your comments *even more* so like a little hug from you ๐ I’d offer to babysit for you but I’m a terrible influence on kids… ha.
i am loving these crunchy jammity pockets of goodness! even if i heard someone talk about these i wouldnt know from the name:)).. and i love your chit chat with your mom.. ๐
HAHA! My mom is crazy. So am I. We get along rather nicely ๐ But I am loving the combo of: crunch jammity pockets of goodness. I am emailing you when I need a clever string of words!
Crazy like a fox!
Crazy enough to see through your ways. Nobody could have been that good, kind, simple, yet caring! Not on my watch! I least I work at a place where you can find me. Okay, Operation Reach Out, here it is… When I want a wife, I’m gonna buy one. And she is going to be good to me; to my wants and needs. Not like you, because let’s face it, you treated me like dirt!
Oh goodness, I officially have a brain full of useless quotes. But this is making me laugh at least ๐
You’re such a hoot! Funny, I just watched that movie this week and found myself saying many of the lines along with all the characters ๐ Scrape em off Clare – If you want to save somebody, save yourself.
The best mom ever. I love you xo
You won a major award? That’s great! Is it f-r-a-g-i-l-e? RALPHIE!!!
Congrats Sweetie!
BTW…………yesterdays cookies and today’s kolaches look yummy! I like my kolaches filled with apricot. ๐
You have been withholding kolaches from me!! The horror!
Actually, you HAVE had them before. That place on the corner (where the big shooting happened recently) was a glorius bakery when we moved to SB and I bought them there all the time. They were not GF of course. Where’s the Lifeboy!
Hey, I didn’t curse! But I can if you bleeping want me to… ha. Hmmmm, I faintly remember them–especially with the apricots–that sounds familiar. But let’s just pretend that you never fed me them because your comments are ruining my image, mother. I’m adding kolches to the loooooooooonnnnnngggg list of “foods my mother never exposed me to”… hehe <–very pleased with myself ๐
It’s Italian, mom. It says Frageeelay. The award was from the month of October from VeganMofo. It’s my Mofie Award for all my halloween candy ๐
aww your cookies are amazing : ) they look so cute too! totally inspired to make some for xmas my family will be well impressed big loves atcha X
Thank you Lou–you are always so sweet! And yes, impress your family with these pocket-sized beauties ๐ xoxo.
Some how I feel a deep need to make a Kolache…funny I never heard of them until today! I love coming to your blog and learning about new things to try!
Right???!!! I’m thinking about making more today and doing different variations of fillings: nut filling, chocolate, etc. Mmmmmmmm! Let’s have a Kolache party, what do you say?
i used to love these types of cookies when i was little! i think they were filled with chocolate though..or chocolate and cherry? so yum!
Everyone is coming out of the woodwork with different suggestions for fillings and I am loving it! Chocolate should be a no-brainer but I didn’t even think of it. *left computer to fill kolaches with chocolate*
Mother of god. These look ammmmazing! Adorable photos too. =)
*snickering* Mother of god. I like that ๐ Thanks Vanessa…
Hey wikipedia wunderkind. Yeah you with the sequins vest. I read this terrific post 5 times and looked for your jammin soundtrack. Where is it. Wanna hear you sing and I’ll toot your horn too. Either way your posts always rock! And gf too!
Who me?, she says as she quickly turns her head and poses. I was born to dance. And sing. And eat lots of kolaches. Yeeeeaaaaaahhhhh. Sparkle.
i’ve been saying kolaches totally wrong!! oh the shame! at least i’ve only ever had to say it in my head. these look divine. on the must-make list for sure!
Now I’m getting nervous about my pronunciation, however, this is what wikipedia told me, and we all know that the internet never lies ๐ I have been calling them kohl-latches up until this point. haha
Ooh. There used to be a bakery nearby that sold all kinds of kolaches – savory and sweet. Yours are so much prettier though. The dough reminds me of my favorite cream cheese pie crust or the dough for for Rugelach if I could find some darned soy free cream cheese! That’s OK, my sequined jumpsuit is getting a bit tight about the middle anyway. BTW a well deserved award, nobody does it better.
Loosen up the jumpsuit, Laurel! Last time you passed out from too much sparkle, remember? We can’t have the same thing happen this year ๐ Now I wanna eat savory kolaches! (P.S. thank you for the congrats!!)
I love those things! Sooo good. But, I prefer nut filling.
Hm… I wonder if I could manage a grain-free, soy-free version…..
Nut filling huh? That sounds rather delightful if I do say so myself! For grain free, would you just use almond meal? I would love to see how they turn out…
Nuuuut fillllllinnng…. *Homer Gurgle*
Doesn’t that sound so good????
These turned out great, Cara! And “Jammity” rawks! Also, thanks NaturalNoshing for tooting Cara’s horn! (wait. that sounds a little dirty…) Anyhoo…Congratulations, Cara!!
BAHAHA! That was disgusting yet refreshing ๐ And I tell ya, I think of you whenever I come up with new words/sounds in hopes that you approve (true story!) haha
What a coincidence! I think of you every time I make a turkey out of a quesadilla! ๐
So you only think about me once a year, eh?
Exarctly. LOL!
Only ONCE?? *heart sinking*
Awwww… =( Sad face! Of course I think about you more than once a year! Loves!
You toy with my emotions. Bah! ha
Those cookies are so pretty, dainty, and colorful! I’m not sure I believe they can fit in one’s pocket, though… I’ll come over and we’ll find out.
I have the perfect front pocket in my shirt that I am positive they will fit in. But yes, come over–take a break from the cold, and we will see how many Kolaches we can stuff into our pockets. It will be a new holiday tradition ๐
Yum yum!! I love that these don’t have any added sugar to the base – these sound like a winner to me! Once I’m unpacked, I need to give em a whirl ๐
Ummm and did I just see you won the title of “most impressive food project’ for vegan mofo?!?!? Did i miss this? ahhh thats fabulous! I’m going to toot your horn if you aren’t!!
I just figured out how to put that award up on my blog (thanks to Kathy at Healthy Slow Cooking!) Yes, you can toot my horn and I will toot it as well simultaneously ๐ TOOT TOOT! I was VERY honored by this.
I didn’t even think about that, Nora! But now that you mention it, you are so right. Maybe that is why I like them so much–not too sugary. Such a smart girl…
Yummy Yummy Yummy!!! Oh I can’t wait to make them!!!!
I wanna see the pics when you do, Viv!
Oh my! I grew up with kolaches… and these look awesome! The ones we grew up with were more of a pastry.. but these look so much better! And they are smaller.. so you can eat more. Just sayin’. I am definitely putting these on my list to make this year!
Mmmmmmmm pastry! Oh, pastry sounds so good Jacqui… But you are right about the eating more part because they are smaller. Man, in fact, that is a genius way to look at it. This is one of the many reasons why I like you ๐
Those really look awesome!
Thanks Chinmayie! I think your name is even more awesome ๐