Guacamole Halloween Bats for the win!
THREE days until Halloween!
Anyone got their costumes ready yet??
Today is a special post because I am giving you 2 Halloween-inspired food ideas. Two for the price of one? “You must be crazy!” you are thinking. You are right! I am crazy. …Crazy about Halloween (too obvious?)…and giving you as many ideas for your Halloween-themed party as possible.
Follow the instructions here for these easy-to-make Guacamole Halloween Bats

Guacamole Halloween Bats
- Prep Time: 10 mins
- Total Time: 10 mins
- Yield: 6 Guacamole Bats 1x
- 2 avocados, mashed
- 1 large garlic clove, minced
- 1/4 small onion, thinly chopped
- juice of 1 lime
- blue corn chips
- black olives, sliced
- Combine the mashed avocado, onion, garlic, and lime juice together.
- Using an ice cream scoop, scoop out the guacamole and place on a platter or individual plates.
- Place a chip on each side of the guacamole for wings and two tiny pieces for ears.
- Finish with olive eyes and serve.
I destroyed each and every one of these bats. I have a guacamole addiction so I found this without a problem to devour. In fact it was my lunch yesterday 🙂
Currently starting a scrapbook of all my friends in their Halloween costumes this year.
Who’s first???
So. Awesome. Those little bats are the BEST!
And tasty too! 🙂
your guac is so cute with the eyes 🙂
and wow, your accidental recipe looks…amazing!
per your comment to me that you left on my site, didn’t know you were a CA girl!
West side representing, Averie 🙂 Originally from Orange County (Seal Beach) and now living in the L.A. area. Now I want to sing a Katy Perry song…
Eeek! So much awesomeness in this post! I love miniature things and your guac’ looks brilliant.
I love miniature things too! Probably explains why I had a dollhouse until I was 18 years old…
This is the cutest guacamole I have ever seen! I love guacamole but you just made it 392x awesomer.
Oliver, did you ever think you would be calling guacamole “cute”? haha First time for everything, right?
more bats! squeeeeeeeeeeee! they’re fo ‘sho my favorite and yours look crazy adorable (and tasty), too!
another yummy option is cheezey bat bites:
so much halloveegan goodnesses go’n on!
Ohmygosh, those bats from that link are ADORABLE! Much cuter than mine–I just stinkin’ love it! And raw too. Damn the creativity 🙂 haha.
These recipes look amaze! Can’t wait to try!!!
Thank you, Mrs. Smarty Pants 🙂
both of these idea are the best! how do you do it?
Insanity? Sleep-deprivation? Too much coffee? An obsession with food? A mix of all of the above really 🙂 Thanks Kittee, but I tip my hat off to YOU, really!
Insanity? Sleep-deprivation? Too much coffee? An obsession with food? A mix of all of the above really 🙂 Thanks Kittee, but I tip my hat off to YOU, really!
YES! The fabulous chips we both love! And of course you gotta have guac or some dip to go along with them! Love this idea, you are so creative my dear!
I’ve never had mimicreme or Ricemellow creme either – Where do you find those?
The Beanfields Club!!!!!! hehe. Go now. Buy MimiCreme!!! Seriously Nora. It will change your life. WholeFoods sells it–it is located in the baking section by the flours. So is Ricemellow where the vegan marshies are.
What’s a Reed avocado and do you have to live in California to get one? Well, yes Laurel, of course you do, doesn’t everyone? I love the voices in my head (smirk).
The bats look adorable and I probably need several bags of those chips. Humongo olive eyes on guac – honestly though, they were probably only lonely for the serrano peppers you forgot. ;+)
I already knew I loved you before I saw the caramel recipe with the MimicCreme. I’ve been telling people about that stuff for 3 years and I still get, “What’s that, I’ve never tried it.” I used to order it directly from them when their shipping wasn’t astronomical but now Amazon has it. It’s absolutely the best thing ever in mashed potatoes or anything else for that matter. They need better PR or So Delicious should market for them. Send me candy please, it’s almost Halloween and I don’t have any. Waa, Whine. Don’t you feel sorry for me yet?
A Reed avocado is this HUGE avocado that not only looks better than a Haas, but tastes 10x better. No comparison really. Poor little Laurel made a huge mess of herself and kitchen yesterday and has no candy to show for it. Shipping you candy right now…
Thanks. Tearing up. Loads of mascara dripping. Wait, I don’t wear mascara. Who IS that woman?
I love Batman and your Batman in particular.I must try reed avocados. I had a batman tee when I was a wee GiGi. Yep, I’ll have costume pics, Sunday. Lillaputian anything, is big on my list bahahaha.
You want pictures? I’ll GIVE you pictures! But not today. Today I’ve got laundry, dishes, toys, more toys, litterboxes, more toys, the kitchen table, and my bedroom to clean. Tomorrow is our party! *Squeeeeehork!* And also, I am alllll over those little batamoles. Guats? Ooh! And also, I need to make the froggies! Ribbit. Can you tell I’m a little (OK A huge, huge lot) over my head today? We’re also going trick-or-treating at work and hosting a pumpkin carving party today. Because I’m a freakin’ lunatic. Oh! And I need to pick up the toys… *twitch…*
You freakin’ overachiever! Show off. Are you okay? One eye keeps blinking… and I want pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And make the guats! ha. And the frogs. And I just want to see how many “ands” I can include…
Overachiever? No. Procrastinator? Oh Hellz Yes. The eye blink thing is from all the coffee I’ve been mainlining for the past three days. It’ll go away around January 3rd. 🙂
HA! That is a long time for a twitch, sister. *I once had an eye twitch for 9 months straight* <–a fun-filled fact about me…
Or Wednesday……
You said Tuesday! Nope! I am expecting the pics on Tuesday now, no take-backs.
Everything IS better when it’s mini sized – that is a fact. PLUS you can eat more and not feel quite such a piggy.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the bat-o-moles too.
Eye of toad, wing of bat
*sticks a handful of toffee apples up her incredibly long sleeves*
I have my costume already……..I shall post piccies on Tuesday.
I seriously would love to spend a day with you, Jeni! If you are as hilarious and fun in person as you are in your writing (which I am most certain you are), we could cause some serious damage around town…
Guacamole+Batman=winning post!
Score again!
One always wins when guacamole is involved 🙂
I admire your ability to get as far as shaping and photographing your guac before eating it. Guacamole bats… way too cute!
And caramel dipped crab apples! We went through an entire big bag of crabapples during MoFo last year because they’re so little and cute and perfect for snacking on… but everything’s more perfect with caramel, and on sticks.
What you didn’t see, Nikki, was the huge bowl I made and how I ate about 1/3 of it before I decided to do the pictures. In fact, this was my lunch (I wasn’t lying) and while eating it, the idea occurred to me 🙂 I had to frantically salvage the remains in order to photograph them.
He he he! You are welcome about the Mimicreme! 🙂 Cutest guac I’ve ever seen! I have never seen those chips before, but I’m going to have to be on the lookout. I haven’t had a caramel apple since I was a kid. Now I am craving one. So many things of yours that I have to make! 🙂
You know, I am going to always think of you whenever I use MimiCreme. And I probably will give you a shout out each and every time too 🙂 You MUST get these chips. I used to be a corn chip snob but once I tasted these (made from beans and rice) I was hooked. Far superior!
these look amazing! and i love guacamole, with corn chips and a dvs. mmmm!
I wish I was dressing up, otherwise I would have entered your contest. BUT the good news is that you are my first scrapbook entry of people in Halloween costumes 🙂 Winner! haha
Love the bats! I could live on guacamole! And those apples.. so cute!
Jacqui, you and I both! I found Reed avocados at the farmers market and I have vowed to never eat another Haas again! They are far superior and delicious. I truly think that I HAVE been living off of guacamole, now that I think about it, for a good 2 months now. haha.
Mmmm Guac…My mouth watering for those Reed Avocados.
Again, you always cease to amazing me with your ideas and presentation.
Those crab apples look amazing as well & the perfect size.
Keep them coming….
Sorry…NEVER Cease to amaze me I think it is….I’m still on West Coast time. Ratz
Go ahead, admit I do cease to amaze you. I knew it! Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh my goodness, you hate me! hahaha. See? It’s as if you are still here 🙂
I miss you 🙁