An April Fools Day breakfast idea for you to trick your loved ones this Friday morning: All you need is dairy free yogurt, 2 apricot halves (canned in water, and drained), and a sprinkle of chia seed “pepper.” Serve with a side of gluten free toast and your allergen friendly honey will be laughing all the way throughout the day.
April Fool’s Day is a holiday (can we call it a holiday? Aw heck, we are over here!) that is right up my alley. Have I told you the story of my family and how crazy they are? I was just reminiscing with Matt on Easter about traditions we had celebrating holidays in our childhood. We both laughed so hard as I told him about a period in time where my dad was more into Easter than he normally ever is and he would buy us gag gifts masked like good ones in our Easter baskets, a tradition that started at Christmas. Oh, the gifts we received for Christmas!
The sheer and utter belly laughter of our family during the holidays as we posed in photos with our lace gloves, Star Trek glasses, WWF nightlights, Beavis and Butthead hats, and gardening equipment (for the teenagers who knew nothing about gardening, let alone even had a garden) was unforgettable (it’s a tradition I have every intention on keeping when I have kids, for sure). But my favorite gift of all was a fake arm. You read that right. During my senior year, I received a fake arm in my basket, which I swear to the G, became a staple in my life for many high jinxes for years to come.
That fake arm brought so much laughter for me in college. I was very fortunate to get paired up with the world’s coolest roommate for the first three years and the (good, squeaky clean) fun we had. Every other day was like April Fool’s Day for us. It was our goal to trick each other and make the other laugh so hard until we peed our pants. We would hide under the desk, waiting (with the fake arm in tow) for the other to sit down, and then take the arm and touch the other’s leg and watch how far the other would jump.
We hid in our closet with our phone’s speaker (does this give away my age? Cell phones were not quite a thing in 1996) and would say stuff like, “I’m watching you” in creepy voices… Now that I’m writing this down, I realize how strange I might be sounding but I’m gonna keep going because it’s making me laugh just thinking about it.
When the other would go to the bathroom (we lived in a dorm hall that had showers and bathrooms for every 10 rooms), the other would secretly follow and then throw waded up paper towels over the shower stall or take the fake arm to grab the leg of the other in bathroom stall. But most of all, we’d just plain scared the snot out of each other by hiding wherever, however, and whatever way we could. I had no idea how on that Easter morning, that fake arm would bring so much laughter into my life (if I only I knew about this April Fools Day breakfast idea, I could have had even more fun!)
So what’s the moral of this story? Gift your loved ones with a fake arms for any reason or celebration. It’s guaranteed fun for years to come. Oh, and then make them April Fools Day breakfast “eggs” so they can get a big kick out of food that looks like something else. We need more laughter and more things to smile about in our lives, after all.
Check out more April Fools Day ideas:
Roomie, I love this. brought back great memories and laughter. really everyone should have a college roommate experience like we did.
Seriously, we were really so blessed! I think of you often and smile so much. Love you, xo.
Oh Cara, this made me laugh. I HOPE I have a fun roommate when I go to college this fall so we can laugh as much as you and your roommate did! It would be SO FUN to have a prank war. Starting with these “eggs”
Also: thank you for continuing to share wonderful recipes and ideas during this difficult time.
Sending positive thoughts and good vibes your way!
xx Ellie
So happy it made you laugh, Ellie! I’m hoping and wishing that you get set up with a stellar roommate like I did. Much love to you! xo