It’s a rare thing for me to say that a cookbook inspires me. I know that sounds strange because I surround my life around food and why wouldn’t a cookbook inspire me? But the truth of the matter is there are few that truly speak to my heart. There are even fewer that I have actually woken up next to on my bed (I am known to fall asleep reading cookbooks), of them being: Sarma Melngailis’ “Living Raw Food,” Kris Carr’s “Crazy Sexy Kitchen”, Karen Tack’s “What’s New Cupcake” and Better Homes and Garden’s Baking cookbook. I’m adding Lexie’s Everyday Classics Cookbook to the list. Yes, it’s THAT good…and I’m giving a copy away! Instructions for entering are below…
To begin with, I have been a HUGE fan of Lexie’s Kitchen for the past two years. What she has stored over there in nothing shy of perfection: a treasure trove of recipes that are consistently inventive, creative, and delicious–all captured by her flawless photography. Though she has pulled away from blogging this year, the archives are still rich with inspiring recipes, perfect for anyone who has any sort of food diagnosis or who just loves good food.
Photo courtesy of Lexie Croft, Everyday Classics
Getting the opportunity to review her cookbook was a meaningful task here at Fork & Beans. If a cookbook can inspire me to get my rear in the kitchen and make the creative juices a’flowin’, well then, that is a job well done. Lexie understands allergen-friendly recipe development in a way that most people don’t, not to mention she makes it look completely effortless. She understands her ingredients; she gets that food should be simple, beautiful, taste good, and mostly that it should be shared with the ones that we love.
Photo courtesy of Lexie Croft, Everyday Classics
Everyday Classics gives you back your kitchen creativity and will remind you that no diagnosis should ever prohibit any of us from enjoying what we once loved. This is exactly the message I promote here on Fork & Beans so it is an utmost honor to share this cookbook with you.
Photo courtesy of Lexie Croft, Everyday Classics
I was so fortunate to be able to review one of the recipes from the cookbook and provide it for you here, my friends. How lucky are we? You better believe that the moment I saw the gluten-free vegan Homemade Tortillas I was all over them.
Photo courtesy of Lexie Croft, Everyday Classics

Gluten-free Vegan Tortillas
- 1/3 cup white chia seed meal
- 1/2 cup + 2 Tbsp. water, divided
- 3 Tablespoons palm shortening
- 3/4 cup Bob’s Red Mill Flour (or gluten-free mix of choice)
- 1/3 cup sweet rice flour
- 1/4 cup whole psyllium husk
- 1/4 heaping teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
- Preheat a seasoned cast iron skillet over medium heat. Cut two 9″ square pieces of parchment paper.
- In a medium bowl whisk the chia seed meal with 1/2 c. of water, set aside for 2-3 minutes.
- Using an electric mixer beat in the shortening until creamy.
- Add the flour, psyllium, salt and baking powder. Beat to combine (the dough will be lumpy).
- Add remainder 2 Tbsp. water and beat 30 seconds.
- Push dough together to form a ball. Divide and roll into 8 equal-sized balls.
- Place one ball of dough between 2 pieces of parchment paper. Using a rolling pin, rough the dough out to 6 inches in diameter (the thinner, the more pliable the tortilla will be). For flatbread, roll to 4 inches in diameter.
- Peel parchment paper off of one side. Pace that side onto the heated griddle and gently peel off other piece of parchment paper. (For perfectly round tortillas, trim the edges and use the remainder of the dough for extra tortillas).
- For tortillas: Cook for 15-20 seconds on each side (any longer and they will be too crispy to roll).
- For flatbread: Cook for 1-2 minutes on each side.
- Transfer to a plate and cover with plastic wrap immediately.
- Best if enjoyed warm and fresh.
- Makes 8-10 6″ tortillas.
- This recipe is reprinted with permission of its original author, Lexie Croft.
What sheer bliss to be able to enjoy gluten-free flour tortillas again and NOT the store-bought kind that snap easily and break your jaw when eating. I am in love and so will you be! If these tortillas don’t convince you enough to buy this book, well then maybe a recipe for Dairy-free Nacho Cheese (that is incredible!) or what about a Flour-less Chocolate cake that has zero eggs in it? I’m telling you, this recipe is utter genius! Still debating?! You should check this out to get more of a sneak peek into Everyday Classics.
— Recipe Breakdown —
68 Total Recipes—100% Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Egg-Free, and Soy-Free
67 Corn-Free or Easily Corn-Free Recipes
58 Tree Nut-Free or Easily Tree Nut-Free Recipes
54 Coconut-Free or Easily Coconut-Free Recipes
42 Vegan or Easily Vegan Recipes
46 Vegetarian or Easily Vegetarian Recipes
— Availability —
Purchase from
Also available from:
The Cupboard, Fort Collins, Colorado
— What Readers Are Saying —
“After a diagnosis of food sensitivities, I was lost. I didn’t know what to do. Thankfully the internet led me to Lexie’s Kitchen. It started with pancakes and led to full meal plans. We were saved!” —Trina B.
“Food is what brings our family together and with these recipes we have found a way for everyone to feel included and special. Thank you for this precious gift.” —The McIntosh Family
“Cooking for a child with food allergies is a challenge, and Lexie is a genius in the kitchen. Her recipes are both healthy and delicious.” —Amanda F.
Want to win a free copy? (I know, why wouldn’t you!) Yup, that’s right–*I’m* buying one of *you* Lexie’s cookbook to call your own! Simply leave a comment below. That’s it! Easy, right? The giveaway closes at 11:59 PST on Sunday, March 23, 2014 and the winner will be announced the following Monday morning. This giveaway is now closed.
Just wondering how long these will stay pliable? I’d like to make them today for a weekend trip away, hoping to have them on lunch on Sunday (2 days form now) Has anyone tried them after storing for a day or two?
Awwwwww! I missed the giveaway 🙁
This cookbook sound amazing, I would love to win it.
Would LOVE to win this! My children have many anaphylactic allergies, including egg, wheat, dairy, nuts, and treenuts. And being a single mother back at school, would help the budget! (Tugging on heart strings… lol).
I’d absolutely love to win a copy – the recipes look fantastic and I’d be so excited to try them! Especially for enticing others to try gluten free, vegan foods more often… 🙂
This looks like a fantastic cookbook. The recipe you posted is one I hope to try this week. Thanks for the opportunity!
This looks like a fabulous cookbook, I hadn’t discovered Lexie’s blog either but I’m appreciative of the link! I’m not really intolerant to any foods but I have a few friends who are now gluten-free, I am defintiely going to get them a copy of this wonderful resource. Thanks xx
Hi Cara! Just found your blog tonight and I’m loving it! I’ve been GF and DF for several years, but recently discovered I don’t do well with eggs (and corn), so I’m in need of GF vegan recipes/cookbooks. I love the food on your blog and your beautiful infographics! Thanks so much! Will definitely try the tortilla/wraps recipe – yum – and would love to own Lexie’s cookbook as well. All the best!
Pick me!!!! The recipes sound amazing 🙂
I would love to win a copy of this cookbook! Looks like so many fabulous recipes!
I also kinda hate those store-bought brown rice tortillas, but up until now I haven’t ever seen a recipe that would work for my multiple food sensitivities! I really can’t wait to try this recipe and would love a copy of her cookbook, as I can’t have gluten, dairy or eggs.
I can’t tell you how excited I am to make these vegan/GF tortillas. I’m half Hispanic and tortillas are one the biggest things I’ve missed since giving up gluten. I haven’t found a recipe that does it for me yet, so I can’t wait to give this one a try! I would also LOVE the cookbook so that I can continue to try to expand my horizons in the kitchen!
I love all your recipes and can not wait to try these yummy ones too! My son had food allergies and I am vegan, so these are very intriguing.
This cookbook looks fantastic! I’m just starting to follow a vegetarian diet and I can use all the inspiration I can get!
Looks amazing!! Thanks for sharing!
Would love a new cookbook to help with new recipes 🙂
This cookbook sounds great!
After suffering for years with various gastric issues I was diagnosed with multiple food sensitivities. I am just now facing the fact that I will have to change the way I eat so that I can thrive. I would love to add this book to my cookbook collection. It will be my first book with recipes that won’t hurt me. Thank you!
I have the same problem. You will feel so much better with out them. You can find a Neat practitioner who may assistance you too. I am also allergic to chemicals & fragrances. This is life threatening for many of us. Perfume & cologne will put me in bed sick or send me to the hospital. It is good you found Cara.
I’m a vegetarian that is gluten and lactose intolerant. Would love to win this book.
I’m new to needing to avoid gluten. It’s a challenging transition. I know it’s doable. I’m determined.
What a beautiful treat! Hope I win! 🙂
I agree with you: I’m addicted to cookbooks too. Would love to win one! Thanks.
I would gift this to my 11 year old vegan. She’s had ribs, chicken, milk and cookies thrown at her, and still stands firm! I admire that determination. Now would like her to have her own book, this one to start cooking!
I am a gluten free newbie vegan and I would so love to win this cookbook. I need lots of good recipes to keep me inspired.
I love your blog! Thanks for the recipe!
This cookbook looks amazing as well 🙂
This cookbook sounds awesome! I would love to win and try some of those recipes – thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Thanks for this contest. I’m attempting a gluten-free lifestyle and this book would definitely help. The tortillas look divine!
I can’t wait to try these!
All her recipes, as well as yours sound delicious. No little time, so many scrumptious things to make….. Sigh…..
What do I think? I think that she has a winner here! I would love to win but will be thrilled for whoever does!
I can’t wait to try this recipe. It sounds delicious. Thanks!
I was just wondering yesterday if psyllium husk was gluten free. Cannot wait to try this recipe. My GFCFSF and EF daughter likes wraps for her lunch and store bought can be pricey. Thanks for a wonderful, informative website!
I’m always on the hunt for new awesome cooking book !!
I’ve been searching for a gluten free vegan tortilla recipe! So excited to try this one for my little babies.
We’re new to vegan cooking and so far have limited options. It would be great to have guidance from someone who has already ‘been there, done that’ for help with some yummy inspiration.
thank you for this giveaway..recently going through gluten-free transitions..would be very helpful
Yum!!! Love Forks and Beans. Keep up the good work!!
I have been searching for a decent gluten-free tortilla! I’d love to see what else this book has to offer! Thanks!
How excited am I about gluten free, vegan tortillas?! Can’t wait to make these and would love this book. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
This cookbook looks fantastic! I know I would enjoy many of the recipes!
Would love a copy of this book. Id go through it one recipe at a time!!
these tortillas look awesome! I have a tortilla press that just has not gotten enough usage.. time to pull it out! 🙂
Looks amazing! Would love a copy
Contagious enthusiasm.Why not going for a recipe bokk so simply natural and affordable I would like to win the book..thank you for sharing
I want to try those tortillas!
looks incredible delicious
Would love a copy !!!
That looks like a custard pie!!! I’ve been trying to make a good vegan custard for years!! <3
This sounds like a book my gluten free vegan self needs!
I am enjoying cooking again after finding Fork & Bean. I have learned so many options for replacement of the numerous allergy reactive foods for my family. Pizza, cookies, breakfast items, and now tortillas what will be next… thank you so much! Oh & I have lost weight getting rid of the inflammation causing foods. I can hardly wait for your next ray of sunshine.
Wow!!! It Looks Delicious!!!! Yummy!!!! Love and Hugs Viv
Fingers crossed! Thanks so much!
This book looks fabulous Cara! I was eyeing it on Amazon, and wondering how it is, and if it’s vegan-friendly. Thanks for the review. I would love to win a copy!
I think this would be perfect for our family.
I have been a vegetarian for years and have off/on tried to be committed to a vegan diet. I hate to admit it, but I have gotten lazy and don’t always read labels…and just “go with it” if you know what I mean. But after some diving in to Vegan books, Neal Burnhart from PCRM is favorite…he turned me around. I have been fascinated by your ideas and glad to be back into the kitchen and buying REAL ingredients! I would be thrilled to win your recommendation or buy it on Amazon! Sandie B.
Thanks for bringing me another great resource Cara. I’m checking out Alexa’s blog today and would love to try her cookbook!
I am always looking for new inspirations for this dairy-free, gluten-free house.
Homemade tortillas are awesome! Can’t wait to try these!
This cookbook looks fantastic! I’m allergic to gluten and dairy, and am always looking for new, better tasting recipes to try!
Cookbook sounds awesome! The tortillas look delicious!!
Wow – tortillas look great – think I will make them today 🙂 Cookbook sounds wonderful – lots of vegan and gf recipes. Thanks for sharing!
This cookbook sounds amazing! Fingers crossed I’m the lucky winner 🙂
Would love to win this! Thanks for the opportunity!
I absolutely love her blog so I’m sure the cookbook is just as delicious!
Sounds like an awesome cookbook.
the pictures are gorgeous
Hippy Mom, well I love your site, I spend my days focusing on my health…Tortillas are delicious I heat them on the stove with no pan.
I’m just learning about this style of eating! I’m very intrigued! I would love a copy for my own health and to share with my daughter in law who is breast feeding and has had to cut everything out for our babies health.
I am going to try the recipe on this post, looks delicious. Congratulations Lexie on your new cookbook!!!
Wow, these look so great. We use tortillas for everything around our house & the gf ones @ the store are so expensive. Can’t wait to get my hands on the cookbook.
The Recipes At A Glance chart is very handy…it shows the Chocolate Cheesecake recipe is vegan! 🙂
Looks a really amazing book, wonderful photos and recipes, would love to own a copy 🙂 thanks for sharing.
YUM! Lexie’s cookbook looks fantastic! I’m keen to try the pie crust recipe and I’ve just been over and bookmarked the Oat and Buckwheat waffles on her website. Thanks for the introduction!
The recipes in that cookbook look like they would be good to eat. I have some dietary issues that have led me to your blog. I have never heard of Leslie so now I’m eager to check out what she has to offer. My Mom now has dietary restrictions regarding gluten. I keep looking for some easy and delicious recipes to send along to her. Thank you for the offer to send me her cookbook, that would be awesome!
I so need this cookbook. I never realized that coconut is a problem for anyone and I’d seriously like to check this out. Thanks for all your recipes also 🙂
Thanks so much for the recipe! I love my TexMex and making my own tortillas will be an amazing addition to tofu scrambles, homemade enchiladas, etc. Way cool!
sounds like the perfect cookbook for me!!!
This is great!
Those tortillas look amazing! Definitely going to try them. Thanks. 🙂
I LOVE cook books that are free of the most common allergies ingredients. They are hard to find.
We have just found out a family member has a problem with gluten, and I am trying to accommodate her when she visits. Looks like a great book.
Love knowing about new cookbooks and bloggers – I am dairy free and you make my life much easier! 🙂
This cookbook looks great!
Diagnosed with breast cancer 6 months ago, chose alternative treatment, no chemo, no radiation, all natural. Went on Vegan diet, now i spend my days scouring the internet for recipes. Thanks to fork and beans and a few others i am trying out new and yummy recipes when i have the energy to cook. A copy of this book sure would be helpful for my new healthy outlook on living!…. Thanks, Donna!
I don’t have any gluten free cookbooks and I would love to have this one. It sounds great and after going onto her blog and looking around, I’m sure the recipes in the cookbook are delicous. I’ll be going back on her blog for sure to spend more time. What a fun place to be, she really did a great job, I have a lot of catching up to do!
OH!!! Just what I need. Looks awesome!
Your recipes are my very favorite to try, and are almost always free of all our allergy restrictions, which include dairy, gluten, eggs and soy. If you give Lexi’s Kitchen a high rating, I would LOVE to try this cookbook!
Looks like a great cookbook. I would love to have it.
Looks like a great cookbook. Would love to give it a try.
Looks delicious!
Looks like a fantastic cookbook. Hope I win!
I am crazy cookbook obsessed and I have already pre ordered yours Cara 🙂
I would love to get my hands on Lexies’s
I would love a copy of this cookbook. I have several food sensitivities and am newly vegan (or transitioning)! Your blog was a great discovery for me and this cookbook looks awesome! Thanks for the chance at a giveaway!
I love vegan cooking!!!!
Sweet! I’d be tempted to keep it for myself, but would probably gift it to my cousin!
Thanks for the review, recipe and giveaway. This looks like a great cookbook!
I’ve made a lot of recipe from Lexi’s blog and they are always delicious… my favorite is chocolate decadence cake. I would love to win her cookbook!
This book sounds awesome! I love experimenting with new recipes! Thanks!
I’ve been reading Lexie’s blog as well and would love to have a copy of her book.
This book sounds awesome. I’m def going to have to check it out.
Thank you for giving this cook oil away! I would love to win it!
Thanks for the opportunity. Thank you for sharing the recipe. I will definitely be trying them!
What a great cookbook! Thanks for hosting the give-away!
Please let me win this cookbook for my birthday (coming this week)
oooooo cookbook!
Ooh, looks like a good book! Thanks for introducing me to her blog!
I’d love to win a copy of this cookbook. I love the recipes on Lexie’s blog.
You’re awesome! I’d love a copy!
I recently discovered your website and I love it – it is seriously so helpful! The book looks great too. Thanks for the chance to win it!
Pick me! Pick me!!!!
This cookbook looks wonderful! Cara, I recently had to switch over to gluten-free living after resisting due to severe GI issues after already being dairy (lactose) sensitive. Your recipes are a lifesaver and I trust your recommendations!
Thanks for all you do!
I really love your blog, so awesome! Some of the recipes I have tried out have turned out really good ex falafel. I have tried some recipes from the back of gluten free, dairy free stuff which were gross. So glad I was introduced to your blog.
I would love to have a chance at Everyday Recipes! Gluten free, dairy free, soy free is very appealing. That’s why I love your blog.
This looks like a great book! I would love to own a copy. I keep collecting recipes on Pinterest but I still like something handheld the best. I’ve been trying to get my family to eat healthier, and I need all the help I can get!
This looks great; so tired of GF recipes that are stuffed full of dairy!
Sounds like a really wonderful book. You’ve piqued my curiosity!
I would love to win a copy.
Thanks for the giveaway! This book looks great!
How do I not know about Lexie’s blog and book?! Sounds too good to be true! Great that there are so many vegan recipes as well as gluten free ones.
I don’t know if this giveaway is open worldwide (I’m in the UK) but if so I’d love the chance to get my hands on a copy of the book.
I love your blog, your enthusiasm for healthy good food and your recipes. It can be so discouraging to spend forever making something that turns out tasting like cardboard (or worse). Thanks!!!
This cookbook sounds awesome. If I don’t win I’m still purchasing! Can’t wait for your cookbook Cara
Looks awesome! As a senior citizen who has been gluten-free now for almost 6 yrs. – find it a challenging road to put in all the work only to have the recipe not so good. This cookbook sounds interesting and
doable! Thanks for introducing us to a new cookbook!
Thanks Clara for the tortilla recipe until now I was unable to find one I liked1
Homemade gluten free tortillas – sign me up! I will DEFINITELY be checking out Lexie’s new book!
nomnomnom! The cookbook looks amazing!
I would absolutely LOVE to have this book!!
Would love to win this
The tortillas look amazing. Thanks for the chance, Cara!
Thanks Cara, You’re excitement is infectious.
I just got a tortilla press. My Dad remembered it was stowed up high on one of the shelves in their garage. So the tortilla recipe is gonna get a try – for sure.
So love the idea of Lexie’s new book. I could most likely have every single recipe in her cookbook. It’s so hard to find vegan and GF recipes together. Especially baked goods rely on many eggs out there in the GF world.
Thanks, Sat Nam Kaur
Lexie’s cookbook would be a wonderful transition from DF and Egg free to DF, EF, SF, and GF. Her recipes sound and LOOK fabulous! It’s sweet of you to host this contest! Good luck to all! 😀
Lexie’s cookbook looks awesome! Would love to get my hands on it! Thanks for spreading the word – I hadn’t seen this book before and I’m always on the hunt for new vegan friendly cookbooks!
Might actually make something *interesting* for the fam on holidays 😉
Looks awesome!
The cookbook looks great and thanks for the recipe blog link- it’s a new introduction for me!
I hadn’t heard of this person or the cookbook, so this would be awesome. I love your posts and recipes!! I was depressed about being gf but with your posts I have learned to be gf and it is wondeful. Thank you!!
PS. I told my Dr. who is gf and she was amazed….