Ever have one of those moments where you are completely tongue-tied?
So there I was at work minding my business, making a few drinks when I hear a voice asking me for an additional item in his beverage. As I look up to tell the stranger “Of course!” I immediately recognize his face and see that he is anything but a stranger. Nothing comes out of my mouth at this point. I am totally frozen but I am trying to play it cool (which I desperately acknowledge I am not accomplishing). My mouth is still open to say one word but all I can do is nod. I internally gasp. Why, you might ask? Because the person talking to me is none other than…
A Walk to Remember’s Landon *freaking* Carter. Look, I know that Shane West hasn’t been in any movie in a long time and that if this was Brad Pitt it would have been on a completely different level. But we are talking about one of my all-time favorite movies. A Walk to Remember is the type of movie where it doesn’t matter how many times I have seen it, if it is showing on tv you better damn well believe that I will watch it over again. And cry like a baby every time.
Maybe next time I will be able to find my words other than nodding like an open-mouthed doofus.
Gluten-Free Pita Bread Recipe
I no longer use this recipe. This Pita Bread is an update, more delicious version.
Makes 4 pitas
Recipe base from E-how
- 1 1/2 c. Cara’s gluten-free flour blend
- 1 1/2 tsp rapid rise yeast (a little more than half a package)
- 2 tsp sugar
- 1 1/2 tsp xanthan gum
- 3/4 tsp salt
- 3/4 c. warm non-dairy milk or water (110 degrees)
- 1 Tb oil
- Whisk together everything (except the milk/water and oil) until well combined in a medium bowl. Make a well in the middle.
- Pour milk/water and oil in the well and mix with a wooden spoon. If the mixture is too sticky add 1 Tb flour at a time. When pushing your finger into the dough, it shouldn’t stick to your finger when pulling away. Form into a ball.
- Cover the bowl and place in a warm section of your kitchen and allow to rise for 1-1 1/2 hours (or until doubled in size).
- Place an oven-safe dish filled half-way with water on the bottom rack (once the water in this heats up, it provides steam in the oven and causes the bread to create a nice crust). Place a pizza stone inside the oven’s middle rack (if you do not have a pizza stone, trying using your baking sheet and place upside down). Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
- Divide dough up into 4 balls. Pat each ball down with your fingers ona lightly floured surface until flat (I tried doing a rolling pin with my first batch and it just did not work so I found using your hands was a much gentler method). You will need to cup your hands around the flattened dough in order to smooth out the edges as you go.
- Dust each side with a light layer of flour and place on baking stones. I ended up having to do 2 at a time because my pizza stones were smaller in size and could only fit one pita on each and 2 stones only fit into my stove.
- Bake for 8-10 minutes or until light browned. Unfortunately I have a very old oven that has no window to peak through so I had to guess when they were done.
- Allow to cool for a couple of minutes and then slice in half. Taking a small knife, carefully cut the pocket.
Just found your website and I am so excited ! Just found out I have to be dairy And gluten free! I was feeling depressed until I started reading all these amazing recipes! Thank you for hope! Can’t wait to start cooking!
Are these supposed to puff up at all in the oven? I dont think i can get my oven steamy enough!
Lovely! I am intrigued by your flour blend! It’s the only thing I don’t have and could mean the start of a happier relationship with gf baking for me!
What should I do if I don’t have rapid rise yeast. I do have Red Star Active Dry Yeast.
Cover it in a nice warm, draft-free place and let it rise longer (probably twice as long). Good luck!
…and… you’ll probably want to proof the yeast first before adding it to the dry ingredients – sorry
Did u combine yeast & water separately & let work together–and then combine in flour mix ? thnks Frank
OK, so I don’t know how I missed this post. And I haven’t actually seen A Walk to Remember, but I IMDB’d him and holy cats man! He’s got crazy freakin’ handsome actor chin! I can’t even talk to my husband’s boss at work much less freakin’-handsome-actor-chin people. At least you didn’t blurt out something like “Hey! Wanna see my pita?!” See? It could be worse…
oh how i love shane west in a walk to remember. he totally makes me swoon. i would have jumped up on the counter and wrapped my arms around him and said, “where have you been my whole life?!”
pita bread!!!!!!!!!!!! wooooooo! this is happening, lady!
I was afraid I was going to do exactly that which is probably why I stood there frozen 🙂 xo (Was thinking about you the whole time though. I remember you sayng how much you love that movie!)
Omg I would have done the same thing! The teenager in me would have been dying! I probably would have done something super embarrassing,like drop his drink, spilling and breaking everything and making a mess. And that makes you much smoother than me my dear 😉
Mmmm pitas, I love stuffing them with greens, avo and chickpeas!
I usually can play it cool (the location of where I work tends to draw a lot of actors in) but this one totally threw me off! I was not expecting to see Landon in front of me 🙂 Total teen-aged girl…
Ooh, I want to stuff them with yogurt/cucumber sauce and whatever I can find and shred, covered with more sauce. Yummy.
Yes yes and yes! I love me some yogurt/cucumber sauce 🙂
Yeah, Tzatziki. Go ahead, say that 3 times fast, I double dog dare you. Methinks it may be time to strain some Greek yogurt. http://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/tzatziki-sauce/
I love pita bread and stuffing it to the gills with greens and sprouts. I’ve never thought of making my own, but am inspired to after this post.
Anything bread-like and homemade = better than store bought! (especially when it’s gluten-free). You had me at sprouts! Sprouts and avocado–that sounds so good…
Yum! Puffy, just-baked pita bread was one of the last gluten-y things I ate before I got my celiac diagnosis. It’s still “fresh” in my mind because it wasn’t so long ago—nice to see that I can have it again any time I’m feeling energetic enough to bake bread! 🙂
Ummm….what’da’what with the pitas? I was literally thinking on the weekend about how good a pita would be stuffed with tons of veg and sauteed onions. I will have to try these out!
I am also extremely distracted by Baker Bettie’s avatar photo…Looking good Kristin!
Ha! Cara you are so cute and I probably would have done the same thing. I love that movie and have also watched it like 20 times, uncontrollably crying during each viewing.
These pitas look amazing! You are so talented!
I’m sorry, but I couldn’t read a word you wrote because I’m too busy checking out your HOT avatar photo!! 😉