The Tale of Two Star-Crossed Lovers. The true story of how vegan Mr. Goodbars came to be… Two youngsters, divided by the hatred of their rivalry gangs (Think Capulets vs. Montagues; Sharks vs. Jets; Tupac vs. Biggie Smalls)
and the love they secretly feel for each other.
Watch to see what happens when they follow their destiny…
and follow the love they have for each other. Nothing, not even evil, can keep these two from the grip of one another’s embrace. The union of Salty and Sweet brings to you:
The Mr. Goodbar Sometimes the old saying: “The simpler, the better” is true. All you need is something sweet; something salty–and that is it–and you’ll have one happy clam. (What does “Happy as a clam” mean anyway? Last I checked, clams never died from smiling too much…) **This question has nothing to do with my topic** So let’s please the 2 out of 5 elements of our tastebud taste perceptions as we indulge the salty and sweet treats I know you all crave and love.
Your vegan Mr. Goodbars await you:
Vegan Mr. Goodbars
- Prep Time: 20 mins
- Total Time: 20 mins
- Yield: 6 Mr. Goodbars 1x
- 1/2 c. vegan chocolate, melted
- 1/4 c. dry roasted, lightly salted peanuts
- candy mold (optional)
- Coat the candy mold with a thin layer of chocolate, making sure the bottom and sides are completely coated.
- Add the peanuts and then fill the rest with chocolate.
- Freeze for 15 minutes or until set.
If you are not using a mold, Place a piece of parchment paper and line an 8×8 pan. Coat with thin layer of chocolate first. Add 2nd layer of peanuts. Lots of them! Coat with rest of chocolate until peanuts are covered. Freeze 10 minutes. Cut with serated knife to break off pieces.
Making homemade candy bars at home is super simple and easy to do. I highly recommend purchasing some fun chocolate candy bar molds because it adds to the effect…and yes, it makes them taste better. Just kidding. Kinda. If you don’t want to buy molds you can also treat this recipe like a chocolate bark. Follow how you assemble this recipe using the melted chocolate and peanuts and now you have a vegan Mr. Goodbar chocolate bark.
My adult version of this childhood favorite is to pair it with a nice cup of coffee. This is only for the real mature, however. Do not attempt unless you are of age.
I love this so much. Thank you for creating both entertaining and drool-worthy posts!
Andy, you are so very welcome! Thank YOU for the comment. xox
Gave you the Liebster award.
Wowzers! You better believe that I will be right over there….
You are amazing!!!
Well, I guess all I can say to that is, RIGHT?! And this girl knows me folks–she is like family 🙂 haha. Totally kidding! Robin IS family. bahahahaha. Thank you, R-dawg. (((Your five bucks for advertising is coming)))…
I think part of the reason I was an overweight kid was that my dad always kept a giant size Mr. Goodbar in the fridge 😀
haha!!! I was an overweight kid because I ate way too many candy bars myself. In fact, I think Snickers used to be my lunch (with Nacho Cheese Doritos, of course–what a great pairing, right?) Yuck. I cringe at what I used to eat. Now, did your dad keep that Mr. Goodbar in there for him or for you? 🙂
Yes, you & Rose are a couple of hot messes but I love you both! Now get to work on my favorite candy! Singing…”I Feel Pretty”
You are going to kill me when I ask this, but what is your favorite candy bar??? When I think of you and candy, I think of Neccos and Peach Rings 🙂
I don’t think I have a fav candy bar, maybe a butterfinger or payday now & then but, I wasn’t taliking about a bar I was talking about someting a little more divine 🙂 And yes, can’t go wrong with Neccos & Peach rings.
How about I just go to Disneyland and pick you some Divinity, mother? 🙂
You are going to kill me when I ask this, but what is your favorite candy bar??? When I think of you and candy, I think of Neccos 🙂
NOTHING goes better together than peanuts/peanut butter and chocolate! You are SOOOOO super cute, I love your writing and your wit – you’ve got some serious talent Cara!
Aaaaaw, man–you got this girl blushing now! That is very kind of you to say, Nora! P.S. You are my kind of girl. You are stealing my heart with words like that in regards to peanut butter…
nom! love the chocolate and peanut love story 🙂
Someone had to tell it, Rachel… ha
Ohhh man. It’s so true! They are definitely meant for each other.
Never had a Mr. Goodbar, but I am certain I will be making these in the near future anyway. Chocolate and peanuts is pretty much my favourite combo. Ever. Love the photos!
I wanted to make M&M’s but thought maybe I was overextending myself. I settled for the Goodbar, which is quite tasty in its own right. And yes–they DO deserve each other because it is the best combo. Can’t go wrong with peanuts, in my book 🙂
Could you be any more clever and adorable? Ugh. So here’s what I’m thinking – “Cara’s Candy Shoppe” …keep it simple like See’s Candy. Too Sexy? Let’s sell these…I already ate all of my new candy (and I’m still feeling the champagne from brunch btw). Don’t let me do that! 🙂 Lovies and you need to open a freakin’ candy store!!!
If I was any more clever and adorable, you might as well just call me Rose 🙂 Loving the shoppe name (and the fact that you spell it with 2 “p”s and an “e”). Very posh. And I told you that alcohol is never a good idea in the afternoon! Even if it is just a few sips (though I had just a little bit more). We are hot messes, aren’t we grandma?
Yes my fellow Golden Girl. Oh I found us another restaurant — it’s called “Overland Cafe.” Have you ever been there? Near the usual places…on Overland across the street from where I used to live……I am pretty sure they have gluten and dairy free options…and they are delicious!! And the reason the shoppe name is posh is because you are 🙂 No more drinky-poo for us!! OMG the Expedia Commercial just came on …ha!! Major wow factor!
Look at what Anandra did! She found us a new restaurant!
haha, I love the story line. I don’t think I have ever tried a Mr.Goodbar though. Probably because I have never been a big fan of peanuts. With the exception of eating them in the occasional chocolate bars, I rarely eat peanuts.
I just saw the comment above from Laurel about the Chunky Bar. I haven’t ever heard of that, but Cadbury’s chocolate (the chocolate I grew up with in England, although Hershey’s does an American Cadbury’s which tastes completely different) has a bar called Fruit & Nut that has raisins and peanuts and I used to love that. Too bad you don’t like raisins!
Hopefully you don’t have any West Side Story songs stuck in your head now :/ I guess we are even–with my dislike of raisins (yuck!) and yours of peanuts (I eat peanut butter every morning!!). But I do love *true* Cadbury chocolate–that we have in common 🙂 I stocked up when I visited London a few years back–Hershey’s cannot compare. Now you got me craving those chocolate and caramel digestives…mmmmmm
Oh man, chocolate and caramel digestives! How I miss those! I’m glad someone finally knows how good the real Cadbury chocolate tastes. I really used to like those Cadbury Chocolate Fingers too.
This is a dangerous conversation, Isobelle, but I will be happy to continue… I am now thinking I need to create a GF/vegan digestive recipe. You have convinced me! And did I convince you of revealing the secret ingredients in your recent raw candy bar yet??? Please say yes. Please say yes…
Do itttt!! I would love to see a gluten free recipe for digestives.
I’m not easily convinced! It’s not really a big secret though. The filling is similar to raw creams I have made before, but with raw coconut to thicken it.. 🙂 that’s all I have for you! haha.
I honestly can’t really remember all of the ingredients in it though. I bake everything late at night and can never even remember I baked until I see the stuff sitting in the kitchen the next day.
I feel the same way about blogging. I do all my posts at night and then I anxiously wake up in the morning to read what incoherrant thoughts I managed to type out… Getting on the digestive recipe stat!
A long, long time ago, in a land far, far away there existed a candy bar known as ‘The Chunky Bar.’ Place these in a square mold, add raisins and I ‘think’ the nuts were cashews. Made it yet?
Seriously you are too much.
I cannot believe that I about to say this, but I seriously don’t think I have ever had a Chunky Bar. I know, it’s crazy because I thought I have eaten them all!!! But I really don’t like raisins so that is probably why… I’m an elitist when it comes to dried fruit 🙂 haha
It was kind of strange but when you’re a kid you’ll eat anything you can get your hands on. I ate all the chocolate around it.
I used to eat potatoe chips and Italian dressing together when I was younger. Yes, I completely understand what you are saying…
All your posts have been making me smile so much! I think this one might be my favorite.
I’m so happy to hear that my craziness translates well and that others understand my utter dorkiness. I could not be any more happy to hear that these make you smile, choirqueer (love the name!) ha.
What a lovely story and a delicious looking candy! Mmm!
Isn’t love heart-warming? Especially when it is in my belly…. hehe
Hee hee, love the “they meet” one. Makes me think of Ms. Pacman. 🙂
That is EXACTLY what I was thinking. Nice work 🙂
WHEN YOU’RE A JET YOU’RE A LALALA JET! Oh sorry is this thing on? Lalala. Last night I went looking for a Mr. Goodbar. Another candy pulitzer prize for you. Looooooooove this post!!!!
No GiGi, Mr. Goodbar doesn’t refer to a male prostitute that you went looking for last night. This is a candy bar. haha. Kidding, of course, everyone. You just made me jump in the air and snap with that song…
Great post! And such an easy and delicious recipe too!
Thank you Becca! And yes, you are so right–it’s almost *too* easy 🙂 But how can one go wrong with chocolate AND peanuts??? mmmmmm
Oh my! This might be a little lewd! My virgin eyeballs are offended. But my naughty, naughty tastebuds are alllllllll over this… *Homer gurgle* PS, I think clams are happy because they spend all day in bed. *GASP!!* For shame!!! (those eyeballs may be a little over sensitive…)
hahahahaha!!! How did I *know* that 1). You would be the first to give me an explanation about the clams, and 2). You would make a comment about the lewdness of this post! That is hilarious. And by the way, you are not fooling anyone about your virgin eyeballs. Yeah right….
We are the same, you and I. And are you casting dispersions on my eyeballs?! 😀
Maybe I am or maybe I am… mwahahaha <–my evil laugh. Is it working???
*o* (That’s my eyeballs all dispersed… I think it worked…)
She’s a witch! She turned me into a newt.
And she weighs the same as a duck!!
ahahahaha! You are fun.
Argh!! Bite bite!
Bwahahahaha! 😀
It’s as if you crawled into my brain and permanently live there! YES! This was EXACTLY what I was thinking when I wrote the title…It’s a love song, really, it’s a little bit of aaaaaaahhh, Nightmare, here comes the beast again–ouch, bite bite… LOVE YOU!!!!
love YOU. you.
i would like to see more of the chocolate and peanut love story though. how was it meeting the family? were the peanuts accepting of the chocolate? how was their first year together? what do they fight about? what will their children look like? get on that, please.
Well, you see, because they were in rivalry gangs, the family was not too thrilled about their relationship. That is when they began to sing songs to each other and snap their fingers in the alleys. “When you are sweet, you are sweet all the way….ba da da dum, ba da da da da da da!” snaps, snaps, kicks and double pirouette (Jazz turns didn’t seem so tough until the Sweeties pulled them off). Then, something terrible happened. Peanut was stabbed by his best friend, Nutso, thinking it was someone else. We all cried. Chocolate came running to his side, tears running down her face, and sang “There’s aaaaaaa place for us. Somewhere a plaaaaaccceeee for us.” And that is where I cut in and said, yes, you are right, there IS a place for you. Now shut up and get into my candy bar. The End. *taking a bow*
wow. . .tears. . aidez-moi. . .
was just laughing like a jackal and got the look of death from Alex. he thinks im off my rocker now. all thanks to you my little creative genius. happy weekend! give graig a squeeze for me!
What a sour puss! Always taking the fun away. hehe. Just kidding Alex, I love you! Love you my friend xoxo. Wish I was there to hear you laugh like a jackal…
WOW! Yet another awesome post! I really need to get some chocolate moulds.
I think I am going to be’s permanent advertiser 🙂 Yes! Molds will make your life 100% easier when making chocolate!
Once again: wow. These look so yummy and yet so easy. I would bookmark this to make ASAP, but I think I’ll just wait until you launch your fabulous vegan candy company and just order a whole truckload from you then. Yup.
Can you wait THAT long, Angela? It might be a while. But something tells me you won’t let me wait that long…. 🙂
Your post put a smile on my face. I’ve made chocolates at home but never my own bar. Can’t wait to give it a go.
And I bet you have never sang broadway showtunes either as you made your chocolate–but now you will! haha. Thank you so much–it makes me so happy to hear that my dorkiness translates nicely to others at times and actually makes people smile. That is what all of this is about! xox
I LOVE the pictures!
Thank you for saything that, Ash!