Vegan Baby Ruth Candy Bars
Just by the title alone, can you guess what today’s special is for our Homemade gluten free and vegan Halloween Candy series? What about this:
“Data, what are you doing?”
“I’m setting booty traps.”
“You mean booby traps.”
“That’s what I said! Booby traps. God. These guys!”
Any guesses? Let’s just say that you can’t have Halloween candy without a tribute to one of the greatest movies of my childhood*: “Goonies” (which really introduced us all to that beautiful bar of chocolate called the Baby Ruth). The vegan Baby Ruth.
*Please understand, dear friends, that my childhood consisted of watching a lot of TV. A lot. And eating my fair share of candy. I’m kinda like an expert in these categories.
So… It’s time to either unwrap or make some vegan caramel, open that jar of roasted peanuts, melted some nondairy chocolate, and get out those candy molds. Why, you ask?
Because down here,
Down here in blogging land,
this is our time, goonies.
Time for you to make your very own vegan Baby Ruth candy bars:
Vegan Baby Ruth
- Prep Time: 20 mins
- Total Time: 20 mins
- Yield: 6 Baby Ruth bars 1x
- 6 store-bought vegan caramels (or you can use this homemade recipe)
- 1/4 c. dry roasted peanuts
- 1/2 c. nondairy chocolate chips, melted
- chocolate candy bar mold (optional)
- If using the candy mold, coat the melted chocolate with a thin layer making sure it completely covers the inside.
- Add a layer of peanuts first and add the second layer of caramel.
- Coat the rest with melted chocolate to fill in the rest of the cracks.
- Freeze for 15 minutes or until set.
If you are not using a chocolate mold, Melt your chocolate and place a thin layer on the bottom of the 8×8 pan. Freeze for 20 minutes. Once the caramel is ready,allow to cool a minute and then pour it on top of the frozen chocolate (instead of allowing it to set alone). Place peanuts over the caramel for the 3rd layer. Coat the top layer with melted chocolate. Freeze again for 15-20 minutes. Cut into rectangles and serve.
Just a warning: Eating these will take you into a fantasy world as a kid, searching for buried treasure from a one-eyed pirate while being chased by “Throw Mama From the Train” (told you I watched too much TV) and her 2 meatball sons (how did they ever catch up to a group of kids anyway???) all the while, befriending an oddly shaped head who loves Baby Ruth candy bars. Good thing you just learned how to make them!
It’s good to be a kid again, isn’t it?
This looks really good.
Just when I saw the headline, I thought of the Goonies movie, and turned out you too.
Loved that movie and never tried baby Ruth bar.
The recipe sounds good, it’s on my to do list.
I can’t WAIT to see what you have up your sleeve for Christmas!
I’m hoping I don’t die before then from exhaustion. What have I started???
Oh my gosh!! This looks soo freaking GOOD! Your recipes just keep getting better and better!!! 😀
Hey Shannon! So good to hear from you–thank you so much 🙂 xo
I’ve been constantly drooling over your recipes! They are simply amazing. I nominated your blog for a Liebster Award.
Slop up that saliva, Celeste–it can do some serious damage to your keyboard (speaking from experience!) hehe. Thank you for this, really. I will be right over…
You’ve convinced me to get some candy molds! Nicely done.
*I’m taking a bow* My work here is done 🙂
Bwahahaha! Saw this and thought of you:
hahaha!!!!! Where in the world does one find that Bowie doll??? And does he come juggling crystal balls (no matter how I phrased it, it sounded bad)…
I found it over on Epbot. I think somebody made him! I don’t know if he has any balls. How’s THAT for phrasing?!
A ball-less doll? The absurdity! hehehe *snicker snicker*
Ahhhh CARA! You are killin’ me with all your candy creations – I am drooling all over the keyboard…I want one (or two…no THREE) right now and it’s not even lunch yet?!?
Nora, I am killing myself over here. Consider this a slow sugar suicide… And stop drooling! It will make your keyboard malfunction and I cannot have you with the inability to *not* post over there on your blog, you hear me???!!
Awwww 🙂
Wow look at all these nifty comments and pop references. And I popped in for the candy.Caramel is a blast to make. Hit me up (seriously if you need ideas on a vegan candy start up). Keep on keepin on the posting.
Haha. I’m not that sure about the vegan candy company but I will definitely look to my guru (YOU) if I decide to do so. You could definitely teach me a thing or 11! 🙂
You need to stop it! I can’t handle any more of this Cara! I’m already a chocolate addict as it is!
These look incredible, of course. The caramel looks and sounds very convincing.
You should try making one of those 100 Grand Bars. You know, the rice crispy chocolate things with a big chunk of caramel in the middle? I think I had one of those once.
Oh, and I think that you should open a vegan candy company, also. That would be killer. 🙂
I DO need to stop you are right! But Isobelle, I just had a Baby Ruth after dinner and it tastes soooooooooo good! haha. I’m an addict as well, can’t you tell? I guess I should take everyone’s advice and go with this vegan chocolate business… hmmmmm….. Oh and, 100 Grand is a GREAT idea! Looking into that now… xo
I’m so glad you’re such an expert in these categories as my planned search for candy recipes has now become a one stop shopping experience. :-)) I’m going to be up to my elbows in tempered chocolate very, very soon. All I can say is it’s a good thing candy freezes so well – sugar comas are not pretty at my age.
Well, maybe I’m more of an expert in eating the candy really (still very green when it comes to the making part) but I will gladly become a one-stop shop of recipes for you 🙂 Think about all the candy you will have in your freezer now–that is dangerous (at least for me) because frozen candy tastes so much better–I wouldn’t know when to stop…
Absolutely frozen candy is the best! But then I can just grab one and leave, except then I turn around and grab two more. No, they don’t really last that much longer in the freezer, I just get more exercise going after them. LOL
I keep telling myself that too: “Cara, you should really get to the gym this week…” But I just haven’t found the right time: from daydreaming up candy bars, melting chocolate, waiting for them to set and of course, taste-testing, my days are completely full 🙂
Your candy has warmed my heart so I decided to give you a Liebster award.
Thank you so much!!! I will be right over there to accept it 🙂
You had me at The Goonies! Another seriously delicious looking post.
BTW, I totally have the dvd. You bring the candy and I’ll share 🙂
Oooooh, you upgraded to a DVD? You high-tech kind of gal 🙂 I kinda wanted to see it on Beta, but DVD will do. Packing up the candy now…
And yet another reason why I like ya, Dawn! (haha, I wrote Damn at the first attempt–NOT your name!)
oh man! making caramel is fun, but I haven’t done it in years… mmmm.
And easy too, Amey! I had NO idea. I always shied away from stuff like this because I thought it would be too difficult to execute. Sounds like you have a reason to make caramel again…
OK, first Three Amigos, then Princess Bride (I noticed that yesterday, missy), today Goonies (you bet your sweet bippy I recognized it) AND you make candy. Lots and lots of candy. Why aren’t we best friends already? Throw in Labyrinth and Spaceballs and we might actually be the same person… o.O These look awesome!!
Ohmygod, ohmygody, ohmygod, this is why we are married Brooke! You just named two of my ALL time favorites!!! *I just fainted* NO ONE ever talks about Labyrinth!!! That was THE best movie ever (well, one of the bests). Where do I start: 1). I quoted something from The Princess Bride without even knowing it??? That’s inconceivable!, 2). May the Schwartz be with you, and 3). Don’t eat the damn peach, Jennifer Connolley! It’s a trick…P.S. Why does David Bowie’s makeup look better than mine??! Rats.
You know what I love best about Labyrinth? (You know, besides how oddly attractive David Bowie is. What IS up with that make-up?! And all the talent and imagination that went into the creation of it. Jim Henson, Brian Froud, Terry Jones *swoon*. And that crazy crystal ball juggling thing) What I love best is everything sparkles! More things in my life need glitter. As far as Princess Bride goes, not sure it was a quote so much as an homage (pronounced in the snottiest French accent you can muster) to the ROUS’s. Or maybe I just made it up, but I’m going to pretend it’s real so we can still be imaginary BFFs.
We can be BFFs WITHOUT it too, silly. ha. I loved the juggling crystal balls! That always fascinated me–that, and as you said, how oddly attractive Bowie is. I always wanted his hair, the bastard. I’m coming up there to visit and I’m bringing a huge vat of glitter to sprinkle around everywhere we go 🙂
Bwahaha! We’ll be Rip Tayloring it all over the place! Actually, I did buy a pound of mica flakes to make my woods sparkle for Halloween this year… I take crazy to a whole new level, I know…
You say crazy, I say delightful 🙂
Seriously, though. If you make it up here to the PNW, let me know!
Where is PNW? If I knew where that was, you better believe I will let you know… Wait a minute, you’re not going to kidnap me are you???
i just found your blog yesterday, but your reference to the Goonies has already made you one of my favorite intarwebby people EVER.
HA! Wait until I start quoting movies with the Brat Pack in it, Nobody (love the name, btw)… I’m so happy to find like-minded people here. I used to feel like a total dork (well, I still AM!) knowing way too many pop culture references. Now I see they come in handy these days and actually helps me win over friends–yay! 🙂 P.S. I’ve been trying to comment on your blog but it doesn’t seem to allow me to 🙁
Crazy. Amazing. Phenomenal. I loved watching TV at your house … movies on the beta in the back room with Chuggers fake-barking … and Baby telling you to answer the phone. You have a gift here girl … share it with the world. Love you.
hahahahaha–you left out how the room smelled like K.C.’s pee. Gross!!! Hey remember that time when you slept over and you and Sher “let” me sleep in the living room with you guys. And then you pulled that prank (but I really thought you were serious) when you were lying in the recliner chair, pretending you were sleep talking and doing the most hilarious hand gestures. haha. Oh Jessica. so many good memories with you in them from childhood 🙂 I could keep going…Thank you for your continued love and support–you are like a sister to me. I love you!
OHMYGOSH! We are now talking about Chugger on your blog?!?! Wow, RIP, Cujo, RIP! And the room that smelled like K.C.’s pee!?? Yep. Keep it classy, San Diego! Keep it classy! You know what, Cara? We had some great memories. Watching TV. And eating crap. Yep, good times for sure … and Jessica KNOWS that she was TOTALLY SLEEP WALKING when she made innappropriate gestures to people through the window!!!
But alas, back to the blog … you should TOTALLY make a Vegan candy biz! Then I can try all the products and let you know how good they are!
And by inappropriate gestures, we of course mean flashing her boobs 🙂 hahaha. Definitely classy. Meh, more like whore island over here… And believe you me, Greg has already started up my business plan for the candy company and Rose is really to sign up as my manager. ha
Baby Ruth! My all-time favorite candy bar…behind the Mars bar, that is. Your BR’s look fabulous!
You can’t go wrong with nuts, caramel and chocolate huh? Thank you JL!
Ruth.. Baby?!
I JUST watched The Goonies a few weeks ago. Such a classicly awesome movie!
You are my hero for creating these.. I have missed my Baby Ruth bars!
Bad guys: “Tell us everything!” Chunk: “Everything? Well, there was in this one time…in the 3rd grade…” It IS a classic, isn’t it? Loved the Cyndi Lauper song in it too, “Good Enough” (what that the name?) Glad you are reliving your childhood with this candy bar 🙂
I think I’m trick-or-treating at your house this year. You have all the good stuff.
As someone who also spent a lot of childhood watching tv & movies and eating crappy candy, this week has filled me with nostalgia. 😀
I knew I liked you for a reason, Nikki 🙂 hehe.
I think you are the vegan candy expert! I don’t even remember having a Baby Ruth, but your photos and recipe make me want to dive in. Can you please start a vegan/gf candy company and sell your products? PLEASE?!?! 🙂
That’s hilarious! I have been talking about it with the bf this week, actually. He thinks I should too. It’s funny because before this week, I had NO clue how to do any of this stuff. There really isn’t much out there in terms of vegan candy is there? hmmmmm….
DO IT! I was thinking the same thing!
(and offer shipping to Australia)
Absolutely! And if your name is Angela, you get a special discount 🙂
I’m gonna be busy between now and Christmas making up all your delicious candy treats. My dentist’s gonna be busy too!
Eh, just skip the dentist until next year 🙂 hehe.
Good god woman, you’re killing me here! AAAAggghh. I want to make every single thing you post. These look amaaaaazing!
Be careful if you do make everything here, Angela. Make sure you have someone to share with 🙂 xo