Watch with enjoyment while your guests and loved ones nearly toss their own cookies as they eat their Barfing Pumpkin Oatmeal breakfast this Halloween.
Oh, hello there. I almost didn’t see you! I’m so glad you came back for more:
I was just talking to my friend Jack. We were debating the current debacle in our economy and what we believed to be the root of the problem. Oh hey, you should meet Jack! I think you guys would get along. Hold on, let me get him.
Jack, these are my friends. Internet friends, this is my oatmeal-eating friend, Jack. I thought tha… Jack???You don’t look so good, are you okay? Oh no, someone get him a bowl please! I hate it when this happens…
Dude, how many times have I told you that you need to properly chew your food? You know you get gassy when you don’t. And then this happens… What a mess! Well, who’s hungry? You know what they say,
One man’s throw up is another man’s breakfast!
Barfing Pumpkin Oatmeal
- Prep Time: 5 mins
- Cook Time: 5 mins
- Total Time: 10 mins
- Yield: 2 Servings 1x
- 1 c. rolled oats
- 1 3/4 c. water (or use 1/2 water, 1/2 dairy free milk)
- 6 Tbsp. pumpkin puree
- 2 Tbsp. brown sugar
- 1 tsp. pumpkin spice
- knob of dairy free butter
- Boil the oats and water and simmer.
- Add the pumpkin puree until well-combined.
- Simmer for 5 minutes.
- Fold in the remainder ingredients.
- Optional: Top with toasted pecans.
Here’s a quick photo tutorial of how I carved out the Barfing Pumpkin Oatmeal:
Recipe Notes: If you need an oat and/or grain free version to use, check out either my Cauliflower Fauxmeal or my Grain Free Hot CereOwl base. Create either recipe as is and simply add 3 Tbsp. pumpkin puree and 1/2 tsp. pumpkin spice per serving. Add brown sugar according to your taste buds.
This makes everyone hungry for more! Watch with enjoyment while your guests and loved ones nearly toss their own cookies as they eat their breakfast. Ah, can you smell the sheer satisfaction early in the morning?
Ha Ha Ha You’re really so clever Cara,how on earth do you keep coming up with these wonderful ideas?
We’re a bit boring here in Australia because we don’t celebrate Halloween and it’s usually too hot (not this year though) and the nights are light so we don’t get quite the same atmosphere. I still buy some treats in case the kids come by but my husband usually ends up eating them : (
Anyway have a fun time – wish I was there with you : )
Love Angela X
I was just born for this holiday 😛 Thank you for the love! As for the weather, it’s the same here in California–our fall now doesn’t start until late November so around Halloween it’s super hot (it’s been 90 degrees this week). But hey, at least we both have a bowl full of candy to celebrate, ha! xo
Hahaha! This is great!
Where have I been?!?!?! I am so in love with you and your blog and your vomiting pumpkin!!
Wow, Amey–you are saying some seriously sweet stuff! Thank you for being so kind. I’m so happy that you like it, I really am 🙂
Woo hoo for pumpkin oatmeal throw up! 🙂 I’ve seen this with pumpkin insides after carving but this is much more appetizing since you can actually EAT it!
Rather disgusting either way, regardless! ha.
lol i love this, it’s hilarious! vomiting oatmeal has got to be the best one i’ve ever seen! yum, eat up!
It is pretty entertaining to look at isn’t it??? I keep going back just to see the throw up really flow out–cracks me up 🙂 Thanks Rachel!
This is the funniest darn thing I have ever seen!!!! I love the sense of humor in my family…Dad would be sooo proud!!!! Very creative, sissy! Can’t wait to show your nieces how clever their Auntie Kookie is!!!!
My little babies!!! Yes, please show them! Thanks sissy for the love but fat chance dad would be proud. I tried showing him last week and I quote, “Cara, this is so stupid! Why don’t you work more and cook less?” 🙂 *currently calling my therapist* haha
Doh! Your therapist needs to be on speed dial — and on that note — time for some gluten free and dairy free cupcakes!! Lovies 🙂
From The Sensitive Baker or are you making your own???
Who’s the most popular girl in town? I know! Cara Reed and her awesome barfing pumpkin breakfast…dude — only you could make vomit look tasty…
May I get that in writing. I would like it to say: “Only you Cara, the most popular girl EVER (I like the sound of that), can make puke look edible. Signed, Rosie Bear.” bahaha!
That’s great, I wish you had posted this on before- I could have done it for my sister when she was here!
Is your sister a throwing-up pumpkin lover as well? hehe. Sorry for my timing…I will work on that 🙂
Haha you are too cute! I love this post. Made my day. Thanks Jack!
Jack would say, “You’re welcome” if only his mouth wasn’t full of oatmeal 🙂 I will speak on his behalf and say, You’re welcome! So glad you got a good chuckle from it…
This made me laugh. so. hard. I think I love oatmeal a little more now.
Phew! I was convinced that I would remove all love for oatmeal after this 🙂 Glad you liked it, Ashlae!
Lol!!!! This is too funny! I am so enjoying these posts every day!! You are very creative! I can’t wait to see what you come up with next!!:)
That means so much to me to hear that you come back, Melanie. Thank you so much for your sweet words!
Gross, and yet… adorable. That oatmeal sounds delicious and yet… pumpkin vomit! My brain is sending mixed messages!
It’s almost too early for such a mind tease too, huh? haha
Omg so great. Love it!
Btw I’m checking out your site for the first time and can’t wait to try some recipes!
Yay, I’m so glad you are here Charissa! Make yourself comfortable and pour yourself a bowl of puked up oatmeal 🙂
Haha, I’ve just stumbled upon your blog and laughed out loud. This is hilarious!
So glad you like it, Jessy! Thanks so much for stopping by 🙂
Poor Jack, he just can’t shovel in your awesome oatmeal quick enough and then it just explodes. So it’s all your fault really.
No, you speak truth Jeni. You are right. I kinda did coerse the barf, especially when I kept chanting “Puke! Puke!” while taking pictures 🙂 haha
This cracked me up! I bet you ruined breakfast for a whole bunch of people, but that’s okay, it was totally worth it!
I think I ruined breakfast for ME. ha. I had leftover oatmeal that I was going to eat this morning but I just couldn’t bring myself to it! It really is fabulously gross, huh? haha
In the short time I’ve been reading your blog, I’ve come to love you in like, a seriously creepy stalker/fan-geek way. You can do no wrong. But dude… This is pretty gross. I’m off to make it right now! =D
Oh Brooke, your creepy ways have me loving you too! 🙂 hehe That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. I’ve never had a stalker and I would be honored that you’d be my first. haha!!! Okay, that’s weird of me to say. But seriously, THANK YOU! Oh, and I was just about to write on your blog: I WANT ANOTHER POST NOW!!! I keep going back and…nothing. If you want to continue stalking me, you must post more of your beautiful pics stat! Or else…
Your wish is my command! *Poof!* (PS, or else what?) o.O
Something bad will happen! And by bad I mean something baaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddd, like super bad and stuff (((can you tell that I’m stalling here?))) Oh okay, Brooke! Nothing. My threats are empty!!!!
hahahah omg gross. …and awesome.
It is pretty disgusting, isn’t it? I couldn’t imagine eating this really. I was pretty grossed out myself while photographing it…and found myself saying to the pumpkin, “Come on, throw up for me!” hehe
NO more tequila for Jack. This is hysterical! What a great post.
It’s hard to reason with a pumpkin with an addiction, GiGi. I’ve given up. He needs an intervention 🙂
Oh boy… I laughed out loud for so long at this! Last Halloween I made a vomiting Jack and laughed at my own creation all night. I don’t know what it is about a vomiting pumpkin face that just cracks me up (I’m laughing again as I type that). I’m definitely making this. Definitely. Vomiting pumpkins forever!
You couldn’t be any more correct! Vomiting pumpkins ARE forever. haha. This entire time I was writing this post I was chuckling…even the title made me laugh. I’m glad someone else gets it 🙂 Take pictures of yours when you make and send them to me so I can laugh with you… xo, Cara
That’s hilarious! Some one said my oatmeal monster looked like purple puke – but your puke is better than mine was!
Yours DID look like purple puke 🙂 ha. Mine just looks more realistic only because it’s coming out of a mouth. Eeeeeew!